Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear | Session 78 | 16-19 Sep 2014
Agenda Item 3. (c)

10. The Chair of GRRF recalled the purpose of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2013/13, adopted during the seventy-fifth GRRF session. The document remained on the agenda of GRRF, pending submission to WP.29 and AC.1 of the adopted text for UN Regulations Nos. 13 (Heavy vehicle braking), 13-H (Brakes of M1 and N1 vehicles), 79 (Steering equipment) and 89 (Speed limitation devices) and the new UN Regulations on Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) and Parking Assist System (PAS).

11. The expert from IMMA presented GRRF-78-52 addressing GRRF concerns about the absence of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements in to UN Regulation No. 78. GRRF agreed to resume consideration of this matter at its February 2015 session awaiting a presentation by IMMA on the difficulties at referring to the EMC requirements of UN Regulation No. 10 for vehicles of L-category.

12. The expert from Germany introduced GRRF-78-40 based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2013/29 which detailed proposed amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 on provisions for electro-mechanical braking systems. GRRF acknowledged the status report. The experts from Germany and the Netherlands volunteered to prepare a revised proposal for consideration at the February 2015 session, addressing the remaining open issues.

13. The expert from Germany questioned the decision of GRRF taken in 2004 to exclude the use of the overrun brake for a full trailer (TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2004/11) and not extended to electrical brakes according to Annex 14. The expert from the Netherlands noted that the conscious decision in 2004 to exclude overrun brakes for full trailers was design restrictive. He suggested that the corresponding provisions should be replaced by performance requirements.

GRRF-78-17 Report from the informal working group on Modular Vehicle Combinations (MVC)
GRRF-78-40 Report on the status of work on the issue of electro-hydraulic systems (Germany)
GRRF-78-50 Alternative text concerning the CEL Annex and its application to functions or systems defined within a separate Regulation (CLEPA)
GRRF-78-52 Cross reference to Regulation No. 10 in Regulation No. 78 (IMMA)
GRRF/2004/11 Proposal for a draft amendment to Regulation No. 13 (Germany and Denmark)
GRRF/2013/13 Proposal for collective amendments - Regulation Nos. 13, 13-H, 79, 89, and the LDWS and AEBS regulations (OICA and CLEPA)
GRRF/2013/29 Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 (Germany)
GRRF/2014/21 Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 78 (IMMA)
GRRF/2014/27 Proposal for an amendment to Regulation No. 13 (CLEPA, OICA, and FEMFM)
WP.29/2014/3 Proposal for Supplement 11 to the 11 series of amendments to Regulation No. 13