Working Party on Lighting and Light-signalling | Session 79 | 24-27 Apr 2018
The deadline for the submission of official working documents is 26 January 2018.
Agenda Item 4.
Simplification of lighting and light-signalling Regulations

GRE will be informed about the work of the Informal Working Group “Simplification of the Lighting and Light-Signalling Regulations” (IWG SLR).

GRE will consider the three new simplified Regulations on Light-Signalling Devices (LSD), Road Illumination Devices (RID) and Retro-Reflective Devices (RRD) submitted by IWG SLR.

In addition, IWG SLR has prepared draft amendments to Regulations Nos. 48, 53, 74 and 86 that group the definitions and introduce references to the new simplified Regulations.

GRE will discuss new transitional provisions to Regulations Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7, 19, 23, 27, 38, 50, 69, 70, 77, 87, 91, 98, 104, 112, 113, 119 and 123, drafted by IWG SLR in conjunction with the introduction of the new simplified Regulations.

GRE will also consider amendment proposals to Regulations Nos. 48, 53, 74 and 86 which introduce the so-called “change index” developed for the LSD, RID and RRD Regulations.

Finally, GRE may wish to revert to the proposals submitted by the expert from the International Automotive Lighting and Light Signalling Expert Group (GTB) with the aim to introduce light emitting diode (LED) substitutes and replaceable light sources in the new LSD and RID Regulations.

GRE-78-22 Proposals for a collective amendment to Regulation No. 53 and draft Regulation on Light Signalling Devices (LSD)
GRE-79-08 UN R53: Proposal for amendments to the 02 series of amendments
GRE-79-09 UN R74: Proposal for amendments to the 01 series of amendments
GRE-79-10 Proposal to introduce transitional provisions in the text of the draft new UN Regulations on LSD, RID and RRD
GRE-79-11 SLR: Proposal to improve the general requirements for the "Change Index"
GRE-79-12/Rev.1 SLR: Explanation of the “Change Index”
GRE-79-13 SLR: Proposal regarding references to the three new UN Regulations on LSD, RID and RRD
GRE-79-14 SLR: Proposal to amend the draft UN Regulations on LSD, RRD, and RID
GRE-79-17/Rev.1 LSD: India comments on the draft new UN Regulation (document GRE/2018/2) (India)
GRE-79-18/Rev.1 RID: India comments on the draft new Regulation (India)
GRE-79-19 UN R48: India comments on the draft Supplement to the 06 series (India)
GRE-79-22 India’s comments on underlying principles of approval marking for LSD regulation (India)
GRE-79-25 Proposal for the 07 series of amendments to UN R48 and for Supplement 20 to UN R87 (Germany and Italy)
GRE-79-28 Progress report of the SLR informal group
GRE-79-29 UN R48: Proposal for a new 07 series of amendments (Italy and Netherlands)
GRE-79-31 Proposal to improve GRE/2018/11 and to introduce new requirements into R48-06 with regard to the validity and installation of type approved lighting and light-signalling devices (EC)
GRE-79-32/Rev.1 Proposal for amendments to Regulations Nos. 98, 112, 113 and 123 (SAE)
GRE-79-33 Proposal to amend the VGL informal group terms of reference
GRE/2017/24 Proposal for Supplement 11 to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (GTB)
GRE/2017/26 Proposal for Supplement 20 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 53 and for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 53 (IMMA)
GRE/2018/2 LSD: Proposal for a new Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of light-signalling devices (lamps)
GRE/2018/3 RID: Proposal for a new UN Regulation concerning road illumination devices (lamps) and systems for power-driven vehicles
GRE/2018/4 RRD: Draft new UN Regulation on retro-reflective devices and markings for power-driven vehicles and their trailers
GRE/2018/6 UN R48: Proposal for Supplement [11] to the 06 series of amendments
GRE/2018/7 UN R48: Proposal for Supplement [12] to the 05 series of amendments
GRE/2018/8 UN R48: Proposal for Supplement [18] to the 04 series of amendments
GRE/2018/9 UN R86: Proposal for Supplement [1] to the 01 series of amendments
GRE/2018/10 UN R86: Proposal for Supplement 7 to the original series of amendments
GRE/2018/11 Collective amendments to Regulations Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7, 19, 23, 27, 38, 50, 69, 70, 77, 87, 91, 98, 104, 112, 113, 119 and 123
GRE/2018/12 UN R86: Proposal for Supplement [2] to the 01 series of amendments
GRE/2018/13 UN R48: Proposal for Supplement [11] to the 06 series of amendments
GRE/2018/14 UN R74: Proposal for Supplement [10] to the 01 series of amendments
GRE/2018/15 UN R53: Proposal for Supplement [2] to the 02 series of amendments
GRE/2018/17 UN R53: Proposal for Supplement [20] to the 01 series of amendments
GRE/2018/18 Collective amendments to Regulations Nos. 53, 74 and 86
GRE/2018/25 UN R53: Proposal for a draft amendment (IMMA)
GRE/2018/30 UN R48: Proposal for Supplement [6] to the 03 series of amendments