Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Emissions Test Procedure | Session 8 | 18-20 Nov 2014
Agenda Item 8.
WLTP-08-31 WLTP: Number of tests (Open issue item 27) (Japan)
WLTP-08-32 Progress report of the WLTP task force on the coasting method
WLTP-08-32/Annex.1 Bosch proposal to the Coasting Method WLTP Task Force (Annex to the task force progress report) (Bosch)
WLTP-08-33 WlTP: Handling of Ki (Open issue items 34-38)
WLTP-08-34 WLTP: Vehicle temperature in test cell for Type I tests (Audi)
WLTP-08-43 WLTP: Proposal on number of tests (EU)