Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Emissions Test Procedure | Session 8 | 18-20 Nov 2014
Agenda Item 8.
Test procedure and conditions (Annex 6)

#27: Number of tests:
Proposal of JPN (WLTP-08-31e) was outlined by T. Fujiwara and compared with the EU proposal (WLTP-08-43e), introduced by O. Eberhardt. WLTP IWG asked for further clarification of the Japanese proposal. A major point of discussion was related to the separation of CO2 / pollutants in connection with the question whether a declared or measured CO2 value will be used. EU was requested to clarify the future situation in EU legislation regarding the declaration of the CO2 value and give feedback to TF leader T. Fujiwara.

TF leader T. Fujiwara will convene experts to prepare a status document, which summarizes the situation (advantages/disadvantages of approaches), and develop a harmonized gtr draft text.

#31: Provisions for Coasting:
Progress report (WLTP-08-32e) by TF leader Th. Vogel was introduced by H. Steven. Due to the fundamental objections from JPN (cycle modifications are not acceptable) the supplemental test and the proposal from PSA are obsolete. Therefore the proposal from BOSCH is currently the only option to continue the work in the TF. The BOSCH approach was described in more details: evaluation of phases within the WLTC where coasting might occur and considering the effect of coasting in these phases by post calculation. EU requests clarification of time alignment of CO2-modal data. Coasting TF should discuss this proposal further on expert level and report to next IWG meeting.

  1. – 38 Handling of Ki-Approach:
    Proposal for adoption by N. Ichikawa (WLTP-08-33e) was presented.

#37: Proposal for handling of Engine shut off between regeneration tests was adopted by WLTP IWG.
#35: Alternative Ki loading method: Proposal adopted by WLTP IWG.
#36: Each phase ki for FC/CO2- TF will further discuss this issue
#38: Fixed Ki Transfer from R101 is proposed: adopted by WLTP IWG.
#34: Application of a 3- or- 4 phase Ki procedure will be discussed further in TF.

Draft text for adopted OILs will be provided to drafting coordinator by the TF leader, N. Ichikawa.

Clarification on temperature provisions (soak / type 1 test):
WLTP-08-34e was presented by M. Bergmann and adopted by WLTP IWG. Proposal will be provided to the drafting coordinator.

Not discussed:
Brief oral reports on other OIL items
(especially on issues with proposals expected for meeting #9)

WLTP-08-31 WLTP: Number of tests (Open issue item 27) (Japan)
WLTP-08-32 Progress report of the WLTP task force on the coasting method
WLTP-08-32/Annex.1 Bosch proposal to the Coasting Method WLTP Task Force (Annex to the task force progress report) (Bosch)
WLTP-08-33 WlTP: Handling of Ki (Open issue items 34-38)
WLTP-08-34 WLTP: Vehicle temperature in test cell for Type I tests (Audi)
WLTP-08-43 WLTP: Proposal on number of tests (EU)