International Organization for Standardization
Non-Governmental Organization
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11 February 2014 Current status of ISO 16505 (camera monitor systems) (ISO)
CMS II-01-04
CMS II-01-04 2014-02-11
7 May 2014 UN R110 Annex 3 & ISO 11439 “High pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles” (ISO and CSA)
GRSG-106-29 2014-05-07
3 July 2014 Draft ISO 13216 concerning vehicle spatial requirements to enable mounting of a child restraint system (CRS) (ISO)
CRS-45-05 2014-07-03
4 September 2014 ISO 10844: Comparison of 2014 version against 2011 version (ISO)
GRB-60-17 2014-09-04
29 August 2014 ISO 362-3: Indoor-testing of pass-by noise (ISO and BMW)
GRB-60-09 2014-08-29
11 September 2014 Draft ISO 16254: Acoustics -- Measurement of minimum noise emitted by road vehicles (ISO)
GTRQRTV-TF-05-04 2014-09-11
29 September 2014 ISO Standards 11439:2013 and 6722:2011 (ISO)
GRSG-107-28 2014-09-29
28 October 2014 ISO comments on Annex 3 of the draft GTR on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles (ISO)
GTRQRTV-TF-06-03 2014-10-28
15 December 2014 ISO contributions and justifications to the CMS amendments status table (ISO)
CMS II-06-11
CMS II-06-11 2014-12-15
24 November 2014 ISO Booster seat envelope: Reference line for stowing ISOFIX attachment (ISO)
CRS-48-11 2014-11-24