Working Party on Lighting and Light-signalling | Session 77 | 4-7 Apr 2017

The deadline for submission of official working documents to the 77th GRE session is 9 January 2017.

Agenda Item 6. (a)
Regulation No. 48: Proposals for amendments to the 05 and 06 series of amendments

17. The expert from GTB proposed to clarify inconsistencies and to correct the terminology in the 05 and 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/24). GRE generally supported the proposals, but requested GTB, in cooperation with OICA, to extend them also to the 03 and 04 series of amendments and to submit a revised document for consideration at the next session.

18. The expert from OICA introduced a revised proposal with a view to defining and describing the operation of the external status indicators for vehicle alarm systems, alarm systems and immobilizers, as contained in Regulations Nos. 97 and 116 (GRE-77-25). Several experts reiterated their concerns that the proposed text, on the one hand, stated that such indicators were not considered lamps within the scope of Regulation No. 48, but, on the other hand, introduced requirements for the indicators. In the absence of a consensus on the issue, the Chair decided to postpone its consideration to the next session.

19. The experts from the Czech Republic, Italy and Japan proposed amendments to the provisions on automatic switching between daytime running lamps (DRL) and headlamps in the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (GRE-77-06-Rev.1 and GRE-77-10-Rev.1). The proposals received comments from the expert of the Russian Federation (GRE-77-23 and GRE-77-24). GRE realized that the proposed amendments addressed two different issues: (i) deletion of several subparagraphs that were transitional provisions only for the 05 series of amendments, but were kept by mistake in the 06 series of amendments as well, and (ii) clarification of the requirements for automatic switching from DRL to headlamps. With regard to (i), GRE adopted the proposals for amendments, as contained in Annex II, and requested the secretariat to submit them to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their November 2017 sessions. Concerning (ii), GRE agreed to establish a task force to consider this issue in detail. The experts from the Netherlands and OICA volunteered to act as, respectively, Chair and Secretary of the task force.

20. The expert from GTB proposed to clarify the requirements for tell-tales indicating a failure of different lamps (GRE-77-16). The expert from OICA introduced a proposal to update paragraph 6.9.8. with the common current technologies, where the instrument panel remains permanently illuminated whenever the engine is running (GRE-77-20). The experts from Italy, Netherlands and UK indicated their support to GRE-77-16, but were of the view that the wording in GRE-77-20 would need improvement. The experts of Germany and SAE pointed out that both proposals had a link to Regulation No. 121 and that the Working Party on General Safety (GRSG), dealing with this Regulation, should be informed. Finally, GRE invited GTB and OICA to take account of the above comments and to submit an official document to the next session.

GRE-76-17 Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/33 (OICA)
GRE-77-06/Rev.1 Proposal for a Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (Czech Republic and Italy)
GRE-77-10/Rev.1 Proposal for a supplement to 06 series of Regulation No. 48 (Japan)
GRE-77-16 Updating the requirements of Regulation No. 48 on signalization of light source failure in lamps equipped with multiple light sources (GTB)
GRE-77-20 Proposal for a Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (OICA)
GRE-77-23 Modifications to GRE-77-10/Rev.1 (DRL switching) (Russia)
GRE-77-24 Modifications to GRE-77-06 (Russia)
GRE-77-25 Proposal for a consolidated version of GRE/2016/33 and GRE-76-17 on Regulation No. 48 (OICA)
GRE-77-30/Rev.1 Revision of GRE/2017/7 (Proposals for amendments to Regulations Nos. 4, 6, 7, 19, 23, 38, 48, 50, 77, 87, 91, 98, 112, 113, 119 and 123) (EC)
GRE/2016/24 Proposal for Supplement 11 to the 05 series of amendments and Supplement 9 to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (GTB)
GRE/2016/33 Proposal for Supplement 18 to the 04 series, Supplement 11 to the 05 series and Supplement 9 to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (OICA and Germany)
GRE/2016/33/Corr.1 Proposal for Supplement 18 to the 04 series, Supplement 11 to the 05 series and Supplement 9 to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48 (OICA)
GRE/2017/7 Proposals for amendments to Regulations Nos. 4, 6, 7, 19, 23, 38, 48, 50, 77, 87, 91, 98, 112, 113, 119 and 123 (EC)