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Updating the requirements of Regulation No. 48 on signalization of light source failure in lamps equipped with multiple light sources
Document GRE-77-16
30 March 2017

During October 2016, GRE-76 adopted collective amendments (GRE/2016/31) to align the requirements of lamp regulations (7, 23, 38, 48, 77, 91 and 119) to guarantee the conformity of the lamp in case of any failure or the mandatory indication that a failure had occurred. This means that when a failure indication signal is provided by the lamp, the vehicle shall be equipped with a tell-tale indicating the failure. Thus, amendments were proposed for Regulation No. 48 to specify the modes of displaying the corresponding failure (see GRE/2016/7). Subsequently, some GRE experts requested GTB to clarify the text of its proposal. This proposal amends UN R48 with respect to all lamps affected by GRE/2016/31 to include the failure indication requirement. The proposal does not apply to the failure indication requirements already in UN R 48 prior to the last (76th) GRE session.

Submitted by GTB
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. (a) Regulation No. 48: Proposals for amendments to the 05 and 06 series of amendments

20. The expert from GTB proposed to clarify the requirements for tell-tales indicating a failure of different lamps (GRE-77-16). The expert from OICA introduced a proposal to update paragraph 6.9.8. with the common current technologies, where the instrument panel remains permanently illuminated whenever the engine is running (GRE-77-20). The experts from Italy, Netherlands and UK indicated their support to GRE-77-16, but were of the view that the wording in GRE-77-20 would need improvement. The experts of Germany and SAE pointed out that both proposals had a link to Regulation No. 121 and that the Working Party on General Safety (GRSG), dealing with this Regulation, should be informed. Finally, GRE invited GTB and OICA to take account of the above comments and to submit an official document to the next session.

4. Simplification of lighting and light-signalling Regulations

14. The expert of GTB proposed to update the requirements on light source failure in lamps equipped with multiple light sources in Regulations Nos. 7, 23, 38, 48, 77, 91 and 119 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/31, GRE-76-07 and GRE-76-22-Rev.1). The proposal received comments from the experts of Italy, UK and OICA. GRE agreed to take out the amendment proposal to Regulation No. 48 and to consider it separately at the next GRE session. GRE adopted the remaining proposals, as amended by Annex II to the report, and requested the secretariat to submit them to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their March 2017 sessions as part of the consolidated amendment proposals (see para. 10 above).

6. (a) Proposals for amendments to the 05 and 06 series of amendments

16. The expert from the Netherlands, in his capacity of Chair of the Task Force on Tell-Tales (TF TT), introduced revised proposals for amendments to Regulations Nos. 48, 7 and 87 on tell-tales which indicate a failure (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/7, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/12 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/17). GRE adopted the proposals and decided to submit them to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their November 2016 sessions as draft Supplement 17 to the 04 series of amendments, draft Supplement 10 to the 05 series of amendments and draft Supplement 8 to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48, draft Supplement 25 to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 7 and draft Supplement 18 to Regulation No. 87.

17. Several experts pointed out that the adopted amendments might also require an amendment to paragraph 5.4. of Regulation No. 121 (Identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators), but no consensus was reached on this issue. GRE invited the Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG), which deals with Regulation No. 121, to address this matter.

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