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Proposal for a Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 48
Document GRE-77-20
31 March 2017

Proposal to update paragraph 6.9.8. with regard to current technologies (e.g. LED and IPS) where instrument panels remain illuminated whenever the engine is running. With the advent of new automated technologies and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), the number of warnings and symbols may dramatically increase in the near future. This proposal aims to reduce risks of driver confusion by reducing the number of symbols displayed on the instrument panel. The Chinese Standard GB 4094 already captures this possibility. The proposal is therefore also a move toward further international harmonization.

Submitted by OICA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. (a) | Regulation No. 48: Proposals for amendments to the 05 and 06 series of amendments

20. The expert from GTB proposed to clarify the requirements for tell-tales indicating a failure of different lamps (GRE-77-16). The expert from OICA introduced a proposal to update paragraph 6.9.8. with the common current technologies, where the instrument panel remains permanently illuminated whenever the engine is running (GRE-77-20). The experts from Italy, Netherlands and UK indicated their support to GRE-77-16, but were of the view that the wording in GRE-77-20 would need improvement. The experts of Germany and SAE pointed out that both proposals had a link to Regulation No. 121 and that the Working Party on General Safety (GRSG), dealing with this Regulation, should be informed. Finally, GRE invited GTB and OICA to take account of the above comments and to submit an official document to the next session.

6. (b) | Regulation No. 48: Other proposals for amendments
Relates to UN R48 |