29. The Chair of GRB reported on the results achieved by GRB during its sixtieth session (for details, see the report of the session ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/58), in particular, on the adoption of the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 51 and the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 59. Both texts are aligned with EU Regulation No. 540/2014 on the sound level of motor vehicles and on replacement silencing systems.
30. The GRB chair informed WP.29 that GRB had agreed to develop, in parallel to a draft GTR on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles (QRTV), a draft Regulation on QRTV under the 1958 Agreement. He added that, in this respect, GRB had established a new IWG on the basis of the ToR reproduced in Annex VI to the GRB report. WP.29 gave its consent for establishing the IWG.
31. WP.29 noted that GRB had re-elected Mr. S. Ficheux (France) as Chair and Mr. A. Bocharov (Russian Federation) as Vice-Chair for the GRB sessions in the year 2015.