Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear | Session 78 | 16-19 Sep 2014
Agenda Item 10. (c)
Regulation No. 13-H

48. The expert from OICA announced that GRRF-76-13, GRRF-76-14, GRRF-76-18, GRRF-76-22 and GRRF-76-23 had been replaced by GRRF‑78‑19, GRRF‑78‑20 and GRRF‑78‑21.

49. The expert from OICA introduced the new documents as well as the proposals for separate UN Regulations on Brake Assist Systems (BAS) (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2014/11) and on Electronic Stability Control (ESC) (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2014/12) extracted from UN Regulation No. 13‑H (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2014/10). The Chair recalled the purpose of GRRF-76-33 and GRRF-76-34. OICA stated that GRRF-76-34 had been taken into account when drafting the proposals above. He introduced GRRF-78-29 proposing to delete the k-test method prescribed in Annex 7 and only keep the method prescribed in Appendix 2 to Annex 6 to align the UN Regulation with GTR No. 8. GRRF agreed to reconsider this proposal at its seventy-ninth session.

50. The expert from CLEPA introduced GRRF‑78‑41 proposing text addressing the specific question of how to deal with the original Annex 8 of UN Regulation No. 13‑H following splitting of the UN Regulation. The expert from OICA proposed some alternative wording (GRRF‑78‑50). GRRF agreed to reconsider at its February 2015 session the way to address the subject related to Annex 8.

51. GRRF agreed to resume consideration of this agenda item at its February 2015 session, based on three revised proposals by OICA and CLEPA.

GRRF-76-13 Proposal for amendments to document GRRF/2014/12 (Draft ESC Regulation) (CLEPA and OICA)
GRRF-76-14 Proposal for amendments to document GRRF/2014/11 (Draft BAS Regulation) (CLEPA and OICA)
GRRF-76-18 Addendum to document GRRF/2014/10 (Proposal to amend UN R13-H pursuant to the separate ESC/BAS regulations) (OICA and CLEPA)
GRRF-76-22 Proposal for amendments to the draft regulation on Brake Assist Systems (CLEPA and OICA)
GRRF-76-23 Proposal for amendments to the draft regulation on Electronic Stability Control (CLEPA)
GRRF-76-33 Proposal for amendments to document GRRF/2014/11 (new BAS regulation) (India)
GRRF-76-34 Proposal for a new Regulation on Electronic Stability Control (ESC) (India)
GRRF-78-19 Proposal for amendments to document GRRF/2014/12 (Draft ESC Regulation) (OICA)
GRRF-78-20 Proposal for amendments to document GRRF/2014/11 (Draft BAS Regulation) (OICA)
GRRF-78-21 Proposal for amendments to document GRRF/2014/10 (Regulation No. 13H splitting) (OICA)
GRRF-78-29 Proposal to amend the k value method reference in the draft of ESC regulation (OICA)
GRRF-78-41 CLEPA Proposal Associated with Annex CEL and its Application to Functions or Systems Defined within a Separate Regulation (CLEPA)
GRRF-78-50 Alternative text concerning the CEL Annex and its application to functions or systems defined within a separate Regulation (CLEPA)
GRRF/2014/10 Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 13-H (CLEPA and OICA)
GRRF/2014/11 Proposal for a new Regulation on Brake Assist Systems (BAS) (CLEPA and OICA)
GRRF/2014/12 Proposal for a new Regulation on Electronic Stability Control (ESC) (CLEPA and OICA)