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Addendum to document GRRF/2014/10 (Proposal to amend UN R13-H pursuant to the separate ESC/BAS regulations)
Document GRRF-76-18
3 February 2014

Proposed amendments to UN R13-H to confirm that the complex electronic control system (CEL) requirements may be satisfied through an approval conducted under another regulation (e.g., the pending new ESC and BAS regulations) and to delete the marking requirement concerning ESC systems which will no longer be within the scope of UN R13-H.

Submitted by OICA and CLEPA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. Regulations Nos. 13 and 13-H (Braking)
3. (a) Electronic Stability Control (ESC)

7. This item was discussed in conjunction with agenda item 10(b), see para. 36. The expert from OICA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2014/10 as amended by GRRF-76-18 proposing to delete the provisions related to the introduction of ESC and BAS in the two draft Regulations mentioned in para. 36. in favour of separate and discrete regulations for these technologies. GRRF agreed to resume consideration of this item and keep the documentation on the agenda of the September 2014 session of GRRF.

3. (c) Clarifications
10. International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA)
12. (b) Revision and extension of approvals
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