Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 14 | 26-30 Sep 2022
Agenda Item 8. (a)
Electronic Stability Control

92. The expert from the Republic of Korea informed GRVA that no progress was achieved on the potential amendment to UN GTR No. 8 regarding the testing provisions for innovative steering with low gear. He explained that his country volunteered at AC:3 to sponsor this amendment for the sake of consistency between UN Regulation No. 140 and UN GTR No. 8. He explained that he did not have experience with such system. The expert from Canada expressed interest in data supporting the amendment proposal. The expert from the United States of America mentioned the difficulty to support the proposal in the absence of evidence. He suggested the Contracting Parties to the 1998 Agreement be involved in case UN Regulation No. 140 would be further amended to facilitate the harmonization of UN GTR No. 8. GRVA agreed to pause this activity, waiting for further data.

93. The expert from OICA presented GRVA-14-30, introducing GRVA-14-27 with amendments to UN Regulation No. 140 clarifying testing procedures for low gear steering. The expert from Canada noted the figures proposed for the steering robot mechanical power in the proposal and asked if OICA could share data supporting them. The expert from France expressed interest for the proposal, mentioned supporting material in ISO standards dealing with such testing conditions that could serve as a reference and required more time to study the proposal

94. The expert from France updated GRVA on the development of their proposal in ECE/TRANS/WP29/GRVA/2022/14, aimed at requiring that concrete mixer truck be fitted with a vehicle stability function. He had discussed the proposal with the expert from OICA in order to identify which vehicle configuration would be relevant. The expert from OICA explained that vehicle manufactures do not produce concrete mixer trucks and that most of the concrete mixers were built on the basis of 8×4 or 8×4/4 chassis, and only very few were 8×2 vehicles. The expert from Switzerland identified that many concrete mixer trucks were vehicles of Category G, with significant roll over risk.

95. GRVA agreed to keep GRVA-13-23, GRVA-13-39 and GRVA-14-27 on electronic stability control on the agenda for its next session.

GRVA-13-23 UN R13: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/14 (CLEPA and OICA)
GRVA-13-39 UN R13: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/14 (France)
GRVA-14-27 UN R140: Proposal for amendments (OICA)
GRVA-14-30 UN R140: Supporting information on proposal for amendments (OICA)
GRVA/2022/14 UN R13: Proposal for amendments (France)
WP.29/2020/99 GTR 8: Request for authorization to develop an amendment (Korea)