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(Latest 25 April 2017)

This is a special annex to the 13th EVS informal group session held during November 29-December 20, 2016. This annex consolidates the various contributions towards defining methodologies to reduce the risks of thermal propagation.

18 November 2014 Japanese study on REESS thermal propagation (JASIC)
EVS-06-23 2014-11-18
29 January 2015 NHTSA draft Single Cell Thermal Runaway Initiation (SCTRI) test prodedure and report (NHTSA)
EVS-06-35 2015-01-29
9 November 2016 EVS Task Force 5 (Cell/Module/System Test Requirements): Agreed proposal on the thermal runaway test procedure (Canada, EU, OICA, and USA)
EVS-13-07-501 2016-11-09
30 November 2016 Electric vehicle safety GTR thermal runaway/propagation test procedure including China input (China)
EVS-13-16-502 2016-11-30
30 November 2016 Electric vehicle safety GTR thermal runaway/propagation test procedure as modified during the 13th EVS session
EVS-13-17-503 2016-11-30
25 April 2017 OICA Submission on Thermal Propagation Testing (OICA)
EVS-XX-01 2017-04-25
25 April 2017 Thermal runaway and propagation litterature review-final (Scania)
EVS-XX-02 2017-04-25
1 June 2016 EVS Task Force 5 (Thermal propagation): Updated OICA statement on GTR requirements (OICA)
EVSTF-08-35 2016-06-01
6 June 2016 EVS Task Force 5 (Thermal propagation): Korea comment on thermal propagation proposal (Korea)
EVSTF-08-40 2016-06-06
9 June 2016 EVS Task Force 5 (Thermal propagation): NHTSA comments on thermal propagation proposal (NHTSA)
EVSTF-08-43 2016-06-09
13 June 2016 EVS Task Force 5 (Thermal propagation): Supplemental material concerning thermal propagation testing under the draft EV safety GTR (China, Japan, and Korea)
EVSTF-08-57 2016-06-13
13 June 2016 EVS Task Force 5 (Thermal propagation): Draft thermal propagation test procedure under the EV safety GTR as of 13 June 2016
EVSTF-08-58 2016-06-13
15 June 2016 EVS Task Force 5 (Thermal propagation): OICA Feedback on Proposed Thermal Propagation Test Procedure (OICA)
EVSTF-08-63 2016-06-15
15 June 2016 EVS Task Force 5 (Thermal propagation): Thermal propagation testing-Initiation method and thermal runaway definition (OICA)
EVSTF-08-64 2016-06-15
15 June 2016 EVS Task Force 5 (Thermal propagation): Presentation of Korean proposal for the thermal propagation test procedure (Korea)
EVSTF-08-65 2016-06-15
15 June 2016 EVS Task Force 5 (Thermal propagation): Updated supplemental material concerning thermal propagation testing under the draft EV safety GTR (China, Japan, and Korea)
EVSTF-08-67 2016-06-15
16 June 2016 EVS Task Force 5 (Thermal propagation): JRC responses to the Korea comment on thermal propagation proposal (EVSTF-08-40) (JRC)
EVSTF-08-68 2016-06-16