32. The expert from GTB proposed to align the conformity of production procedures in Regulation No. 123 with the other headlamp Regulations and to simplify the AFS test methods and requirements relating to conformity of production (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/28 and GRE-75-15). Given the significant volume of the proposed amendment, the experts from UK and EC requested more time to study it. GRE invited experts to send their comments to GTB and agreed to revert to the proposal at the next session upon understanding that, if adopted, it would become part of the new front-lighting Regulation.
33. The expert from GTB proposed to correct inconsistencies and to allow for adapting of the passing-beam class C to foggy weather conditions (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/29, GRE-76-14-Rev.1). The experts from UK and EC were of the view that the proposed amendments for foggy conditions would change performance requirements and, thus, should be introduced by a new series of amendments. The experts of Austria, Finland, Italy, Japan and OICA felt that a new supplement would be sufficient. The expert from France pointed out that the definition of the passing-beam class W for use in adverse weather conditions should be clarified to indicate that it includes only rainy, rather than foggy, conditions. The experts of Germany and OICA stated that foggy conditions would need a separate solution at a later stage. GRE agreed to take out the fog-related provisions from the amendment proposals and to address them at the next session. GRE adopted the remaining proposals, as amended by Annex V to the report, and requested the secretariat to submit them to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their March 2017 sessions as part of the consolidated amendment proposals (see para. 10 above). GRE also agreed to consider in detail, at its next session, the issue of supplements, new series of amendments and transitional provisions.