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Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 123
Document GRE/2016/28
16 August 2016

During its 69th session, GRE adopted proposals to update the Conformity of Production (CoP) procedures for lighting and light-signalling devices, but decided to await the work of a GTB task force on the simplification of CoP provisions for AFS before addressing UN R123. This proposal amends the CoP procedures in line with those agreed for UN R112 (document GRE/2013/37) to create simplified photometric CoP tables for each class (C, V, W, E, R, RADB) with its applicable 0/20/30 per cent limits. Furthermore, the task force clarified which tests are necessary for CoP testing and which are necessary only for type approval testing. The methods and requirements for the “initial” type approval remained unchanged. An overview of the main AFS characteristics can be found in documents GRE-48-28 and GRE-48-30.

Submitted by GTB
Status: Formal GR review
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7. (e) Other Regulations: Regulation No. 123

28. GRE reverted to a proposal by the expert from GTB which aligns the conformity of production procedures with the other headlamp Regulations and which simplifies the test methods and requirements relating to conformity of production (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/28, GRE-77-07). GRE agreed with the proposal and decided to forward it to IWG SLR for inclusion into the new RID Regulation (see paras. 7 and 9 above).

7. (h) Regulation No. 123 (Adaptive front-lighting systems (AFS))

32. The expert from GTB proposed to align the conformity of production procedures in Regulation No. 123 with the other headlamp Regulations and to simplify the AFS test methods and requirements relating to conformity of production (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/28 and GRE-75-15). Given the significant volume of the proposed amendment, the experts from UK and EC requested more time to study it. GRE invited experts to send their comments to GTB and agreed to revert to the proposal at the next session upon understanding that, if adopted, it would become part of the new front-lighting Regulation.

8. Pending amendment proposals
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