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Report of the GTB Task Force on Conformity of Production
Document GRE-75-15
6 April 2016
Submitted by GTB
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. Simplification of lighting and light-signalling Regulations

14. The expert from GTB briefed GRE on activities of the GTB Task Force Conformity of Production (GRE-75-15) and its intention to submit a formal document to the next session of GRE with a view to harmonizing the conformity of production provisions of Regulation No. 123 with those of other headlamp Regulations (e.g. No. 112), for the sake of simplification. The experts from France and UK requested GTB to include a solid justification in their future submission.

11. (b) Work progress of the International Automotive Lighting and Light Signalling Expert Group (GTB) task forces

59. GRE noted that the status reports of the GTB Working Groups were presented under agenda item 4 (paras. 13 and 14 above).