WP.29 Calendar of Sessions
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11 Electric Vehicles and the Environment (EVE-17) Geneva 11 11 Jan 2016 January
11-12 WLTP Informal Group (WLTP-13) Geneva 17 11 Jan 2016 January
12-15 Pollution and Energy (GRPE-72) Geneva 38 12 Jan 2016 January
12 L-Vehicle Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR-14) Geneva 21 12 Jan 2016 January
13 Particle Measurement Programme (PMP-38) Geneva 4 13 Jan 2016 January
13 Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ-3) Geneva 12 13 Jan 2016 January
13 Gaseous Fueled Vehicles Informal Group (GFV-43) Geneva 7 13 Jan 2016 January
13-14 Simplification of Lighting Regulations (SLR-8) Brussels 7 13 Jan 2016 January
14 CRS Informal Group (CRS-56) Brussels 11 14 Jan 2016 January
14-15 R55 Revision Informal Group (R55-12) Paris 28 14 Jan 2016 January
19-22 EVS Task Forces (EVSTF-6) Brussels 42 19 Jan 2016 January
20-22 Automatically Commanded Steering Informal Group (ACSF-5) Bonn 18 20 Jan 2016 January
27-28 Data Exchange for Type Approvals (DETA-23) Stuttgart 9 27 Jan 2016 January
27 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC-1) Guyancourt 12 27 Jan 2016 January
1- 5 Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF-81) Geneva 64 1 Feb 2016 February
9-11 Accident Emergency Call Systems (AECS-12) Moscow 26 9 Feb 2016 February
15-16 QRTV UN Regulation Informal Group (REG58-QRTV-7) Geneva 7 15 Feb 2016 February
16-18 Noise (GRB-63) Geneva 23 16 Feb 2016 February
23 Gaseous Fueled Vehicles Informal Group (GFV-44) Brussels 2 23 Feb 2016 February
24 Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG-3) Brussels 13 24 Feb 2016 February
29- 4 Electric Vehicle Safety (EVS-10) Tokyo 19 29 Feb 2016 February
29- 1 Simplification of Lighting Regulations (SLR-9) Brussels 6 29 Feb 2016 February
29 Periodical Technical Inspections (PTI-3) Moscow 14 29 Feb 2016 February
29- 2 EVS Task Forces (EVSTF-7) Tokyo 44 29 Feb 2016 February
2 Data Exchange for Type Approvals (DETA-24) Paris 4 2 Mar 2016 March
2- 3 Heavy-Duty Hybrids Informal Group (HDH-6) Brussels 0 2 Mar 2016 March
2- 3 Modular Vehicle Combinations (MVC-6) Brussels 4 2 Mar 2016 March
3 IWVTA Regulation 0 Subgroup (SGR0-19) Paris 39 3 Mar 2016 March
3- 4 L-Vehicle Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR-15) Ispra 18 3 Mar 2016 March
4 International Whole Vehicle Type Approval System (IWVTA-20) Paris 4 4 Mar 2016 March
4 IWVTA 1958 Agreement Subgroup (SG58-19) Paris 9 4 Mar 2016 March
8-11 World Forum (WP.29-168) Geneva 56 8 Mar 2016 March
9-10 Particle Measurement Programme (PMP-39) Brussels 14 9 Mar 2016 March
9 Automated Driving Informal Group (ITS/AD-8) Geneva 13 9 Mar 2016 March
23 CRS Informal Group (CRS-57) Paris 15 23 Mar 2016 March
29- 1 Road Traffic Safety (WP.1-72) Geneva 2 29 Mar 2016 March
30-31 Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ-4) Beijing 11 30 Mar 2016 March
4 Visibility, Glare, and Levelling Informal Group (VGL-2) Geneva 13 4 Apr 2016 April
5- 8 Lighting and Light-signalling (GRE-75) Geneva 39 5 Apr 2016 April
5 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC-2) Geneva 4 5 Apr 2016 April
11-12 Electric Vehicles and the Environment (EVE-18) Shanghai 19 11 Apr 2016 April
12 R55 Revision Informal Group (R55-13) Paderborn 32 12 Apr 2016 April
12-14 Accident Emergency Call Systems (AECS-13) Paris 9 12 Apr 2016 April
14-15 Simplification of Lighting Regulations (SLR-10) Brussels 6 14 Apr 2016 April
19-21 Automatically Commanded Steering Informal Group (ACSF-6) Tokyo 30 19 Apr 2016 April
19 CRS Informal Group (CRS-58) Paris 11 19 Apr 2016 April
25-29 General Safety (GRSG-110) Geneva 44 25 Apr 2016 April
25 Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG-4) Geneva 13 25 Apr 2016 April
25 WLTP-Electrified Vehicles (WLTP-SG-EV-11) Paris 13 25 Apr 2016 April
26-28 WLTP Informal Group (WLTP-14) Paris 25 26 Apr 2016 April
27 Particle Measurement Programme (PMP-40) Web conference 2 27 Apr 2016 April
9-13 Passive Safety (GRSP-59) Geneva 39 9 May 2016 May
23 Periodical Technical Inspections (PTI-4) Belgrade 10 23 May 2016 May
6 L-Vehicle Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR-16) Geneva 31 6 Jun 2016 June
7-10 Pollution and Energy (GRPE-73) Geneva 36 7 Jun 2016 June
7 WLTP Informal Group (WLTP-15) Geneva 14 7 Jun 2016 June
8 Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ-5) Geneva 13 8 Jun 2016 June
8 Electric Vehicles and the Environment (EVE-19) Geneva 8 8 Jun 2016 June
8 Gaseous Fueled Vehicles Informal Group (GFV-45) Geneva 6 8 Jun 2016 June
8 WLTP-Electrified Vehicles (WLTP-SG-EV-12) Geneva 6 8 Jun 2016 June
9-10 Simplification of Lighting Regulations (SLR-11) Brussels 6 9 Jun 2016 June
13-15 EVS Task Forces (EVSTF-8) Washington, DC 65 13 Jun 2016 June
15 Data Exchange for Type Approvals (DETA-25) London 10 15 Jun 2016 June
15-17 Electric Vehicle Safety (EVS-11) Washington, DC 28 15 Jun 2016 June
16 IWVTA Regulation 0 Subgroup (SGR0-20) London 19 16 Jun 2016 June
16 R55 Revision Informal Group (R55-14) TBD 10 16 Jun 2016 June
17 IWVTA 1958 Agreement Subgroup (SG58-20) London 8 17 Jun 2016 June
17 International Whole Vehicle Type Approval System (IWVTA-21) London 4 17 Jun 2016 June
21-24 World Forum (WP.29-169) Geneva 65 21 Jun 2016 June
22 CRS Informal Group (CRS-59) Stuttgart 18 22 Jun 2016 June
22 Automated Driving Informal Group (ITS/AD-9) Geneva 15 22 Jun 2016 June
27 Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG-5) Stockdorf/Munich 11 27 Jun 2016 June
28-30 Automatically Commanded Steering Informal Group (ACSF-7) London 24 28 Jun 2016 June
14 Agricultural Couplings (ACDC-1) Bonn 7 14 Jul 2016 July
15 Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (NHTSA Questions on Panoramic Sunroof failures) Telephone Conference 3 15 Jul 2016 July
18-19 Visibility, Glare, and Levelling Informal Group (VGL-3) Paris 10 18 Jul 2016 July
26 Electric Vehicles and the Environment (EVE-20) Web conference 8 26 Jul 2016 July
5- 7 Noise (GRB-64) Geneva 33 5 Sep 2016 September
5 Periodical Technical Inspections (PTI-5) Bucharest 14 5 Sep 2016 September
5- 7 Simplification of Lighting Regulations (SLR-12) Brussels 7 5 Sep 2016 September
6- 8 Automatically Commanded Steering Informal Group (ACSF-8) Stockholm 18 6 Sep 2016 September
13 CRS Informal Group (CRS-60) Bergisch Gladbach 22 13 Sep 2016 September
14 IWVTA Regulation 0 Subgroup (SGR0-21) Tokyo 18 14 Sep 2016 September
15 IWVTA 1958 Agreement Subgroup (SG58-21) Tokyo 7 15 Sep 2016 September
19-23 EVS Task Forces (EVSTF-9) Paris 40 19 Sep 2016 September
19-21 Electric Vehicle Safety (EVS-12) Paris 21 19 Sep 2016 September
19 ITS/AD Ad Hoc Group (ITS/AD-AH-1) TBD 7 19 Sep 2016 September
19-22 Road Traffic Safety (WP.1-73) Geneva 1 19 Sep 2016 September
20-23 Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF-82) Geneva 70 20 Sep 2016 September
28-29 Data Exchange for Type Approvals (DETA-26) Stuttgart 6 28 Sep 2016 September
4 Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG Preview Meeting on NHTSA Questionnaire Status) Telephone Conference 7 4 Oct 2016 October
4 WLTP-Electrified Vehicles (WLTP-SG-EV-13) The Hague 5 4 Oct 2016 October
5- 7 Simplification of Lighting Regulations (SLR-13) Brussels 6 5 Oct 2016 October
6- 7 WLTP Informal Group (WLTP-16) The Hague 36 6 Oct 2016 October
10 Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG-6) Geneva 10 10 Oct 2016 October
11-14 General Safety (GRSG-111) Geneva 58 11 Oct 2016 October
12-13 Particle Measurement Programme (PMP-41) Ispra 18 12 Oct 2016 October
17-21 L-Vehicle Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR-17) Milwaukee 22 17 Oct 2016 October
19 CRS Informal Group (CRS-61) Brussels 17 19 Oct 2016 October
24 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC-3) Geneva 7 24 Oct 2016 October
24 Visibility, Glare, and Levelling Informal Group (VGL-4) Geneva 6 24 Oct 2016 October
25-28 Lighting and Light-signalling (GRE-76) Geneva 45 25 Oct 2016 October
25-26 Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ-6) Paris 15 25 Oct 2016 October
7- 8 Additional Sound Emissions Provisions Informal Group-II (ASEP II-1) Tianjin 10 7 Nov 2016 November
8 Data Exchange for Type Approvals (DETA-27) Paris 13 8 Nov 2016 November
9 IWVTA Regulation 0 Subgroup (SGR0-22) Paris 17 9 Nov 2016 November
10 International Whole Vehicle Type Approval System (IWVTA-22) Paris 5 10 Nov 2016 November
10 IWVTA 1958 Agreement Subgroup (SG58-22) Paris 14 10 Nov 2016 November
15-18 World Forum (WP.29-170) Geneva 85 15 Nov 2016 November
16 Automated Driving Informal Group (ITS/AD-10) Geneva 14 16 Nov 2016 November
22-24 Automatically Commanded Steering Informal Group (ACSF-9) Osaka 20 22 Nov 2016 November
22 CRS Informal Group (CRS-62) Paris 9 22 Nov 2016 November
29- 1 Electric Vehicle Safety (EVS-13) Shanghai 22 29 Nov 2016 November
5- 7 Simplification of Lighting Regulations (SLR-14) Brussels 6 5 Dec 2016 December
13-16 Passive Safety (GRSP-60) Geneva 36 13 Dec 2016 December
21 CS/OTA Task Force (TFCS-1) London 17 21 Dec 2016 December