Contracting Parties under UN R140 ESC Systems

The following Contracting Parties are officially listed by the World Forum as applying this regulation. Nonetheless, this designation does not necessarily mean that a given Contracting Party either issues its own type approvals or accepts type approvals issued by other parties as there are exceptions.

Contracting Party Effective Date
Albania 22 January 2017
Australia 22 January 2017
Austria 22 January 2017
Azerbaijan 22 January 2017
Belarus 22 January 2017
Belgium 22 January 2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina 22 January 2017
Bulgaria 22 January 2017
Croatia 22 January 2017
Cyprus 22 January 2017
Czech Republic 22 January 2017
Denmark 22 January 2017
Egypt 22 January 2017
Estonia 22 January 2017
European Union 22 January 2017

The EU does not issue or accept type approvals. EU application of this regulation corresponds to its use in the General Safety Regulation (EC) No. 661/2009 through which EU member-states apply uniform requirements, including this regulation.

Finland 22 January 2017
North Macedonia 22 January 2017
France 22 January 2017
Georgia 22 January 2017
Germany 22 January 2017
Greece 22 January 2017
Hungary 22 January 2017
Ireland 22 January 2017
Italy 22 January 2017
Japan 22 January 2017
Kazakhstan 22 January 2017
Latvia 22 January 2017
Lithuania 22 January 2017
Luxembourg 22 January 2017
Malaysia 22 January 2017
Malta 22 January 2017
Montenegro 22 January 2017
Netherlands 22 January 2017
Norway 22 January 2017
Poland 22 January 2017
Portugal 22 January 2017
Republic of Korea 22 January 2017

Korea neither issues nor accepts type approvals under the 1958 Agreement.

Republic of South Africa 22 January 2017
Romania 22 January 2017
Republic of Moldova 22 January 2017
Russian Federation 22 January 2017
San Marino 22 January 2017
Serbia 22 January 2017
Slovak Republic 22 January 2017
Slovenia 22 January 2017
Spain 22 January 2017
Sweden 22 January 2017
Switzerland 22 January 2017
Thailand 22 January 2017

Thailand does not issue or accept type approvals under the 1958 Agreement.

Tunisia 22 January 2017
Turkey 22 January 2017
Ukraine 22 January 2017
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 22 January 2017
New Zealand 22 January 2017
Nigeria 17 December 2018
Republic of Armenia 30 April 2018
Philippines 03 November 2022
Republic of Uganda 23 August 2022
Kyrgyz Republic 31 October 2023
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 24 September 2023
Islamic Republic of Pakistan 24 April 2020