Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 9 | 1-5 Feb 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 7.
Advanced Emergency Braking Systems

86. The expert from Japan, co-chair of the IWG on AEBS (for M1 and N1) presented a progress report to GRVA (GRVA-09 26). He explained their activities on virtual testing, on the performance of AEBS to detect big animals and the discussion on Peak Break Coefficient (PBC) reference in UN Regulation No. 152.

87. GRVA inquired whether virtual testing should be addressed by this IWG. The expert from OICA mentioned the importance of virtual testing for this matter. The expert from the European Commission, Co-Chair of the group, explained that he consulted the subgroup 2 of the IWG on VMAD, which answered that their activities were different as AEBS was not an ADS. He added that the mandate of the group was still running and that it had capacity to deal with this item. The expert from France supported these activities.

88. The expert from the European Commission asked the expert from Sweden if information would be available concerning the detection of big animals. The expert from Sweden explained that further thoughts were needed on this matter. GRVA agreed that this issue was not a high priority but that it should be further discussed.

89. The expert from OICA introduced GRVA-09-18 and mentioned GRVA-09-17 explaining an issue related to the PBC reference in UN Regulation No. 152. She explained that deceleration of nine m/s2 were the basis for calculation of performance criteria and that therefore a PBC value of 0.9 was not sufficient. She mentioned a revised proposal contained in GRVA-09-18/Rev.1 (document not available) to be discussed until the next session of GRVA.

90. The expert from Germany supported the proposed way forward. The expert from Canada raised a study reservation. The experts from Korea and the European Commission supported the OICA proposal.

91. GRVA agreed to resume consideration of this item at its next session.

92. The expert from Germany, Co-Chair of the IWG on AEBS for heavy vehicles reported on the outcome of the first meeting, a market review, an accidentology data review and a proposal for Terms of Reference, reproduced in GRVA-09-32. He explained that the document contained two options for consideration by GRVA.

93. The expert from Japan noted the very good progress already made by the group and expressed support for the proposal for Terms of Reference. He mentioned the importance of the detection of vulnerable road users as more than 50 per cent of the fatalities heavy duty vehicles were pedestrian and bicycles. He acknowledged the technical challenge of the task. He did not express preference of any options.

94. Following discussion, also on the two options in the document, GRVA adopted the Terms of Reference reproduced in Annex V of the session report (based on GRVA-09-32/Rev.1).

GRVA-09-17 UN R152: Proposal to amend the Peak Braking Coefficient reference (CLEPA and OICA)
GRVA-09-18 UN R152: Proposal for amendments (CLEPA and OICA)
GRVA-09-26 Report of the AEBS informal working group
GRVA-09-32/Rev.1 Draft terms of reference for the Heavy-Duty Vehicle AEBS informal group