Argument for revising the PBC values used in the regulation based on technological progress in tyres and impact on road-friction parameters.
89. The expert from OICA introduced GRVA-09-18 and mentioned GRVA-09-17 explaining an issue related to the PBC reference in UN Regulation No. 152. She explained that deceleration of nine m/s2 were the basis for calculation of performance criteria and that therefore a PBC value of 0.9 was not sufficient. She mentioned a revised proposal contained in GRVA-09-18/Rev.1 (document not available) to be discussed until the next session of GRVA.
90. The expert from Germany supported the proposed way forward. The expert from Canada raised a study reservation. The experts from Korea and the European Commission supported the OICA proposal.
91. GRVA agreed to resume consideration of this item at its next session.
GRVA-09-18 |