92. The expert from Germany, Co-Chair of the IWG on AEBS for heavy vehicles reported on the outcome of the first meeting, a market review, an accidentology data review and a proposal for Terms of Reference, reproduced in GRVA-09-32. He explained that the document contained two options for consideration by GRVA.
93. The expert from Japan noted the very good progress already made by the group and expressed support for the proposal for Terms of Reference. He mentioned the importance of the detection of vulnerable road users as more than 50 per cent of the fatalities heavy duty vehicles were pedestrian and bicycles. He acknowledged the technical challenge of the task. He did not express preference of any options.
94. Following discussion, also on the two options in the document, GRVA adopted the Terms of Reference reproduced in Annex V of the session report (based on GRVA-09-32/Rev.1).