Working Party on Noise | Session 63 | 16-18 Feb 2016
Agenda Item 6.
Regulation No. 92 (Replacement exhaust silencing systems for motorcycles)

8. GRB noted that the expert from EC had transmitted proposals for amendments to Regulation No. 92 (GRB-63-09) and agreed to consider them under agenda item 9, in conjunction with amendment proposals to Regulations Nos. 9 and 63.

GRB-62-08/Rev.2 GRB subjects for the future
GRB-63-03 Amendment proposals for Regulations Nos. 9, 63 and 92 (EC, LAT, TNO, and TÜV Nord)
GRB-63-09 Amendment proposals for Regulation No. 92 (EC)
GRB-63-18 EC study to enhance Regulations Nos. 9, 63 and 92 with respect to sound test requirements (EC)