World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 165 | 10-13 Mar 2015
Agenda Item 17.7.
GTR No. 15 (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Test Procedures (WLTP) – Phase 1(b))

118. The representative of Germany, Chair of GRPE, reported that Phase 1b was under development and that an informal document was expected to be ready for consideration in June 2016. He noted the Group was well on schedule and that the next meeting would be held in Sweden in mid-April 2015. He added that the planning of Phase 2 had begun and that Japan had circulated a questionnaire to determine what items should be discussed in Phase 2. He added also that the European Union had started transposing the UN GTR No. 15 into EU regulation and would consequently propose introducing UN GTR No. 15 into a new UN Regulation under the 1958 agreement. He noted that the discussion would be continued in June and that he could report on further progress at the June session of AC.3.

WP.29/AC.3/40 Authorization to conduct research and develop new regulations on environmental requirements for electric vehicles (Canada, China, EU, Japan, and USA)