Working Party on Noise | Session 60 | 1-3 Sep 2014
Agenda Item 10.
Influence of road surface on tyre rolling sound emissions

18. The expert from the Netherlands introduced GRB-60-04 and Add.1 in which he pointed out that, under urban driving conditions, the rolling noise dominates the overall noise production and is influenced by the properties of the road surface (like surface texture, acoustical absorption and air‐pumping). Thus, improving the surface properties would result in a lower rolling noise level. According to the expert, quiet road surfaces are a valuable measure to reduce traffic noise, either on their own or in combination with other noise reducing strategies, and generally demonstrate a positive cost/benefit ratio.

19. The Chair stressed the importance of the tyre-road interaction for sound emissions and noted that, for the time being, GRB has no mandate for regulating road surfaces. GRB agreed to resume this discussion at its next session and looked forward to new studies and presentations on the issue.

GRB-60-04 Dutch Government leaflet on "Quiet Road Surfaces" (Netherlands and M+P)
GRB-60-04/Add.1 Quiet road surfaces: Eurocities working group noise (Netherlands and M+P)
GRB-60-08/Add.1 Shifts in tyre sound levels between 2007 and 2013 (Addendum) (M+P and Netherlands)
GRB-60-13 Presentation on "quiet road surfaces" and their impact on rolling noise (Netherlands and M+P)
GRB-60-17 ISO 10844: Comparison of 2014 version against 2011 version (ISO)
GRB/2014/8 Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 117 (ETRTO and Russia)