Working Party on Lighting and Light-signalling | Session 88 | 25-28 Apr 2023
Agenda Item 10. (c)
GRE-88-08 Lighting colours and special work lighting: Request for comments (France)
GRE-88-11 “Signal Road Projector” (SRP): Main aspects of the proposal (GTB)
GRE-88-14 UN R48: Questions on interpretation (Australia)
GRE-88-16/Rev.3 UN R48: Proposal for a 09 series of amendments
GRE-88-19 UN R86: Discussion of amendments (CEMA)
GRE-88-24 UN R48: Revised proposal for a new series of amendments (CLCCR)
GRE/2022/25/Rev.1 UN R48: Proposal for a new series of amendments (CLCCR)
GRE/2023/2 UN R48: Proposal for a new series of amendments