1 April 2010
Proposal for a five year extension in the Compendium of Candidates of listing No. 1 (USA)
WP.29/2010/73 | 2010-04-01 |
1 April 2010
Proposal for a five year extension in the Compendium of Candidates of listing No. 2 (USA)
WP.29/2010/74 | 2010-04-01 |
1 April 2010
Proposal for a five year extension in the Compendium of Candidates of listing No. 3 (USA)
WP.29/2010/75 | 2010-04-01 |
1 April 2010
Proposal for a five year extension in the Compendium of Candidates of listing No. 5
WP.29/2010/76 | 2010-04-01 |
1 April 2010
Proposal for a five year extension in the Compendium of Candidates of listing No. 6 (USA)
WP.29/2010/77 | 2010-04-01 |
1 April 2010
Proposal for a five year extension in the Compendium of Candidates of listing No. 7 (USA)
WP.29/2010/78 | 2010-04-01 |
1 April 2010
Proposal for a five year extension in the Compendium of Candidates of listing No. 9 (USA)
WP.29/2010/79 | 2010-04-01 |
4 August 2010
Proposal for a possible approach for global harmonization of marking requirements (OICA, IMMA, and GTB)
WP.29/2010/143 | 2010-08-04 |
30 September 2010
New Format for documents
WP.29/2010/147 | 2010-09-30 |
8 March 2010
Status of the 1998 Agreement
WP.29/1073/Rev.3 | 2010-03-08 |
21 June 2010
Status of the 1998 Agreement: Amendment 1
WP.29-1073/Rev.3/Amend.1 | 2010-06-21 |
5 November 2010
Status of the 1998 Agreement: Amendment 2
WP.29/1073/Rev.3/Amend.2 | 2010-11-05 |
18 June 2010
Status of the 1998 Agreement: Situation on priorities and proposals to develop gtrs as of 17 June 2010
2010-06-18 | |
9 November 2010
Priorities for GTRs (CLEPA, MEMA, and JAPIA)
2010-11-09 | |
3 November 2010
Status of the 1998 Agreement of the global registry and of the compendium of candidates as of 1 November 2010
2010-11-03 | |
2 November 2010
Rulemaking plans of Japan
2010-11-02 | |
11 November 2010
Regulatory priorities and possible technology roadmap (OICA and IMMA)
2010-11-11 | |
3 March 2010
Request for five-year extension of submissions to the Compendium of Candidate GTR's (USA)
2010-03-03 | |
5 March 2010
1998 Agreement: Status reports and notifications received by the secretariat
2010-03-05 | |
3 March 2010
Russian Federation proposal regarding the application of markings in global technical regulations (Russia)
2010-03-03 | |
5 March 2010
Status of the 1998 Agreement of the global registry and of the compendium of candidates as of 4 March 2010
2010-03-05 |