UN R152 | Original text
WP.29/2019/61: Proposal for uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles with regard to the Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS) for M1 and N1 vehicles. With 40 of the 55 Contracting Parties applying UN R152 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2019/61 by a vote of 40 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
Discussion from 178th WP.29 session (24-28
Jun 2019)
93. The World Forum considered the proposal for a new UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles with regard to the Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS) for M1 and N1 vehicles (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/61) under agenda item 4.12.1.
94. The representative of OICA stated that they did not fully support the proposal. The Chair of GRVA acknowledged the position of the representative from OICA and proposed to review amendment proposals at the group’s upcoming sessions.
95. The representative of Japan thanked GRVA experts involved in the development of the draft new UN Regulation on AEBS and and expressed his strong expectation that the new UN Regulation on AEBS would be adopted, taking into consideration its recent national situation where serious traffic accidents caused by elderly drivers occur frequently. He added that Japan had started to consider mandating the fitting of AEBS at an appropriate timing.
96. The World Forum considered the proposal and recommended its submission to AC.1 for voting.
UN R152 | Original text | Supplement 1
WP.29/2020/9: Proposal to improve and clarify the text of the Regulation. With 39 of the 56 Contracting Parties applying UN R152 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2020/9 by a vote of 39 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
UN R152 | Original text | Supplement 2
WP.29/2020/98: Proposal to improve the robustness of the test procedure, including number of test runs and analysis of failures. With 43 of the 56 Contracting Parties applying UN R152 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2020/98 by a vote of 43 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
UN R152 | Original text | Supplement 3
WP.29/2021/15: Proposal to improve the Appendix 2 Annex 3 for assessing robustness against false reaction, to introduce new provisions for automatic deactivation of AEBS, and to improve the text in other instances. With 39 of the 56 Contracting Parties applying UN R152 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2021/15 by a vote of 37 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
00 series of amendments
| Supplement 4
WP.29/2021/140: Proposal from GRVA to clarify AEBS restart, including that an automatic engine restart (stop/start systems) does not require a reactivation of the AEBS, to allow for electromagnetic compatibility demonstration via the 06 series of amendments to UN R10, to move provisions for Indication of an ongoing initialization from the section on failure indications to a separate paragraph, and to make an editorial correction. With 40 of the 56 Contracting Parties applying UN R152 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2021/140 by a vote of 37 in favor, 0 opposed, with 3 abstaining.
00 series of amendments
| Supplement 5
WP.29/2022/18: Proposal to address road surface adhesion in AEBS performance testing.
Discussion from 186th WP.29 session (7-11
Mar 2022)
81. The World Forum considered draft amendments under agenda items 4.7.1 to 4.7.12 and recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting, including the latest modifications to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/18, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/19 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/20 (agenda items 4.7.7., 4.7.8 and 4.7.9.) adopted by GRVA at its January 2022 session, proposed in WP.29-186-05 and reproduced in Annex V of the session report.
00 series of amendments
| Supplement 6
(Adopted by WP.29)
WP.29/2023/14: Proposal to align the text of UN R152 with recent updates to UN R131.
00 series of amendments
| Supplement 7
(Approved by GR)
GRVA/2025/10: Proposal to improve terminology concerning the status of the AEBS following an "engine start / run cycle”.
00 series of amendments
| Supplement 7
(Adopted by WP.29)
WP.29/2025/14: Proposal to permit the use of virtual testing as an alternative to physical testing.
UN R152 | 01 series of amendments
WP.29/2020/10: Proposal to introduce new and enhanced requirements for the car-to-pedestrian test scenario. These requirements would be phased in from May 2024. With 39 of the 56 Contracting Parties applying UN R152 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2020/10 by a vote of 39 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
UN R152 | 01 series of amendments | Supplement 1
WP.29/2020/131: GRVA proposal to improve the assessment of AEBS robustness.
UN R152 | 01 series of amendments | Supplement 2
WP.29/2021/16: Proposal to improve the Appendix 2 Annex 3 for assessing robustness against false reaction, to introduce new provisions for automatic deactivation of AEBS, and to improve the text in other instances. With 39 of the 56 Contracting Parties applying UN R152 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2021/16 by a vote of 37 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
01 series of amendments
| Supplement 3
WP.29/2021/141: Proposal from GRVA to clarify AEBS restart, including that an automatic engine restart (stop/start systems) does not require a reactivation of the AEBS, to allow for electromagnetic compatibility demonstration via the 06 series of amendments to UN R10, to move provisions for Indication of an ongoing initialization from the section on failure indications to a separate paragraph, and to make an editorial correction. With 40 of the 56 Contracting Parties applying UN R152 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2021/141 by a vote of 37 in favor, 0 opposed, with 3 abstaining.
01 series of amendments
| Supplement 4
WP.29/2022/19: Proposal to address road-surface adhesion in the AEBS performance testing. With 39 of the 56 Contracting Parties applying UN R152 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2022/19, as amended by para. 81 of the session report per the session report, by a vote of 37 in favor, 0 opposed, with 2 abstaining.
Discussion from 186th WP.29 session (7-11
Mar 2022)
81. The World Forum considered draft amendments under agenda items 4.7.1 to 4.7.12 and recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting, including the latest modifications to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/18, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/19 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/20 (agenda items 4.7.7., 4.7.8 and 4.7.9.) adopted by GRVA at its January 2022 session, proposed in WP.29-186-05 and reproduced in Annex V of the session report.
01 series of amendments
| Supplement 5
(Adopted by WP.29)
WP.29/2023/15: Proposal to align the text of UN R152 with recent updates to UN R131.
01 series of amendments
| Supplement 6
(Adopted by WP.29)
WP.29/2025/15: Proposal to permit the use of virtual testing as an alternative to physical testing.
01 series of amendments
| Supplement 7
(Approved by GR)
GRVA/2025/11: Proposal to improve terminology concerning the status of the AEBS following an “engine start / run cycle”.
UN R152 | 02 series of amendments
WP.29/2021/18: Proposal to introduce provisions under a car-to-bicycle test scenario. With 39 of the 56 Contracting Parties applying UN R152 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2021/18 by a vote of 37 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
Discussion from 183rd WP.29 session (9-11
Mar 2021)
80. The World Forum considered draft amendments under agenda items 4.7.1 to 4.7.6. and recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting.
02 series of amendments
| Supplement 1
WP.29/2021/142: Proposal from GRVA to clarify AEBS restart, including that an automatic engine restart (stop/start systems) does not require a reactivation of the AEBS, to allow for electromagnetic compatibility demonstration via the 06 series of amendments to UN R10, to move provisions for Indication of an ongoing initialization from the section on failure indications to a separate paragraph, and to make an editorial correction. With 40 of the 56 Contracting Parties applying UN R152 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2021/142 by a vote of 37 in favor, 0 opposed, with 3 abstaining.
02 series of amendments
| Supplement 2
WP.29/2022/20: Proposal to address road-surface adhesion under AEBS performance testing.
Discussion from 186th WP.29 session (7-11
Mar 2022)
81. The World Forum considered draft amendments under agenda items 4.7.1 to 4.7.12 and recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting, including the latest modifications to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/18, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/19 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/20 (agenda items 4.7.7., 4.7.8 and 4.7.9.) adopted by GRVA at its January 2022 session, proposed in WP.29-186-05 and reproduced in Annex V of the session report.
02 series of amendments
| Supplement 3
(Adopted by WP.29)
WP.29/2023/16: Proposal to align the text of UN R152 with recent updates to UN R131.
02 series of amendments
| Supplement 4
(Adopted by WP.29)
WP.29/2025/16: Proposal to permit the use of virtual testing as an alternative to physical testing.
02 series of amendments
| Supplement 4
(Approved by GR)
GRVA/2025/12: Proposal to improve terminology concerning the status of the AEBS following an “engine start / run cycle”.