Working Party on Lighting and Light-signalling | Session 82 | 22-25 Oct 2019

The deadline for the submission of official working documents for this session is 29 July 2019.

Agenda Item 4.
Simplification of lighting and light-signalling UN Regulations

GRE will be informed about the progress of the Informal Working Group “Simplification of the Lighting and Light-Signalling Regulations” (IWG SLR).

GRE will take note that the three new simplified UN Regulations Nos. [148] on Light-Signalling Devices (LSD), [149] on Road Illumination Devices (RID) and [150] on Retro-Reflective Devices (RRD) are expected to enter into force on 15 November 2019. In this regard, GRE will address an urgent proposal by IWG SLR that corrects errors inadvertently introduced in the text of the new UN Regulation No. [149]. In parallel, the same proposal is being submitted to the WP.29 session in November 2019 with an official WP.29 symbol.

GRE may also wish to consider proposals for further corrections to the three new Regulations that have been prepared by IWG SLR.

GRE will consider revised proposals for amendments to UN Regulation No. [148] and to UN Regulation No. 48 submitted by the experts from France and Germany, which introduce conditions for the use of logos inside the illuminating surface of a signalling lamp.

GRE will consider an updated proposal transmitted by the expert from Germany which introduces requirements for testing the sun load impact into UN Regulation No. [148] on Light Signalling Devices.

GRE will resume its discussions on the various options of how to use the Unique Identifier (UI) for the new simplified UN Regulations, and will be informed about the views of IWG on Database for the Exchange of Type Approval Documentation (DETA).

Driver assistance road projections.

GRE-82-02 Proposal to correct the text of UN R149
GRE-82-04 Proposal to amend UN Regulations Nos. 48 and [149] to allow projections of driver assistance symbols (GTB)
GRE-82-20 Proposal for amendments to documents GRE/2019/28 (CLEPA)
GRE-82-26 UN R150: Draft consolidated proposal for amendments
GRE-82-27 UN R148: Proposal for a Supplement
GRE-82-28 UN R148: Proposal for a Supplement
GRE-82-29 UN R148: Proposal for a Supplement
GRE-82-30 UN R148: Draft consolidated proposal for amendments
GRE-82-31 Challenges to the implementation of the Unique Identifier
GRE-82-32 UN R48: Consolidated version of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2019/28 (France and Germany)
GRE-82-33 UN R149: Proposal for amendments (Italy)
GRE-82-36 UN R148: Proposal to amend ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2019/28 (OICA)
GRE-82-38 UN R48 and R148: Comments on document GRE/2019/22 (Japan)
GRE-82-39 Status report of the Simplification of Lighting Regulations informal group
GRE/2019/22 Proposal for Supplements to the new UN Regulation No. [148] and to the 06 and [07] series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Germany)
GRE/2019/24 Proposal to correct UN Regulation No. [149] (Road Illumination Devices)
GRE/2019/25 Proposal to correct UN Regulation No. [148] (Light Signalling Devices)
GRE/2019/26 Proposal to correct UN Regulation No. [150] (Retro-Reflective Devices)
GRE/2019/28 Proposal for Supplements to UN R148 and R48.06 (France and Germany)
WP.29/2019/125 UN R149: Proposal for Supplement 2