AEBS: Draft Proposal for a new UN Regulation (Japan and EC)
AEBS: Draft Proposal for a new UN Regulation
Interim draft text for a light vehicle AEBS regulation prepared on behalf of the informal group on AEBS. It provides the state of play of the discussions held the informal group up to date. It aims at providing the experts of Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) the opportunity to react, comment and contribute to work performed by the informal group until now.
AEBS for M1/N1 vehicles: Proposal for revised terms of reference
AEBS for M1/N1 vehicles: Proposal for revised terms of reference
Updated proposal for the goals and objectives of the AEBS informal working group, in particular to establish a new UN Regulation in lieu of the initial expectation for amendments to UN R131 on heavy vehicle AEBS.
AEBS Systems on Trucks: Road Safety for user and roadworker (Netherlands)
AEBS Systems on Trucks: Road Safety for user and roadworker
Presentation submitted but not delivered during the session raising concerns over the performance of heavy truck AEB systems in recognizing obstacles, especially road work signage.
Field test AEBS - traffic measures (Netherlands)
Field test AEBS - traffic measures
Video by the Netherlands traffic authority uploaded to YouTube regarding tests conducted on the performance of heavy truck AEB systems. The video is related to the presentation on the performance of AEBS (document GRVA-01-43).