Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Emissions Test Procedure | Session 8 | 18-20 Nov 2014
Agenda Item 9.
Calculations (Annex 7)

#38: CO2/FC calculation:
Proposal of M. Bergmann was adopted by WLTP IWG not to add additional matlab formulae as redundant and to keep for consistency.

#42: Willans factors for petrol (E10) & diesel (B7):
Proposal by Th. Adam (WLTP-08-06-rev1e) was presented. The general approach was supported by JPN and India. Mean net heat value shall be the base, asked by India. Values are shall be included as table data. Germany had a scrutiny reservation and will give feedback to the table data latest well in advance of IWG meeting #10. Depending on feedback from Germany the proposal is called adopted by WLTP IWG or needs to be rediscussed in the TF and at IWG meeting #10.

#43: FC calculations:
Proposal of Th. Adam (WLTP-08-07e) was presented by M. Bergmann. India asked to check for used units in g/km and for inclusion of a generic formula. Proposal was adopted by WLTP IWG.

Draft text will be provided to the drafting coordinator and NL suggested crosschecking the proposal with item 2.3 of the calculation algorithms proposal by EC (WLTP-08-38e).

#47: FC interpolation method:
Proposal of Th. Adam (WLTP-08-08e) was presented by M. Bergmann. JPN and India asked for checking the use of theoretical cycle energy and distance in the calculation. Proposal was fully supported and adopted by WLTP IWG.

#49: Calculation of CO2 value for an individual vehicle
Proposal by M. Bergmann (WLTP-08-35e) was adopted by WLTP IWG.

#44–46: Additional pollutants:
Progress report was given by C. Astorga (WLTP-08-36e). Feedback on open points in Annex 5+7 has been provided to Drafting Coordinator by C. Astorga and will be reviewed within the drafting meetings.

WLTP-08-06/Rev.1 WLTP: Willans factors for petrol (E10) & diesel (B7) (Open issue item 42) (ACEA)
WLTP-08-07 WLTP: Fuel consumption calculation for ICE vehicles (Open issue item 43) (ACEA)
WLTP-08-08 WLTP: Fuel consumption interpolation method (Open issue item 47) (ACEA)
WLTP-08-35 WLTP: CO2 calculation method (Open issue item 49) (ACEA)
WLTP-08-38 EC cover note accompanying the draft TNO WLTP correction algorithms report (EC)