Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 17 | 25-29 Sep 2023

Deadline for submission of formal working documents: 30 June 2023.

Agenda Item 4. (e)
Coordination of work on automation between working parties (GRs)

GRVA may wish to discuss the work coordination between working parties concerning Automated Driving Systems (ADS).

(i) Fitness of UN GTRs and UN Regulations for ADS

GRVA may wish to review the report endorsed by WP.29 in June 2023 regarding the screening of UN GTRs and UN Regulations.

GRVA may wish to be briefed on the outcome of discussions at AC.2 and WP.29 regarding the screening of UN Regulations and UN Global Technical Regulations (of relevance) related to ADS.

GRVA may wish to be informed on the progress made by the corresponding Task Force on the Fitness for ADS (TF on FADS).

(ii) Vehicle subcategories for ADS

GRVA agreed to resume consideration on the categorization of Automated Vehicles, as tabled by OICA at the last session, and may wish consider coordination mechanisms with the Working Party on General Safety (GRSG) provisions, in charge of vehicle categories.

GRVA-14-54/Rev.1 Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs - Guidance
GRVA-16-47 Considerations on Automated Vehicle Categorization (OICA)
GRVA-17-29 FADS: Status report to GRVA
GRVA-17-37 Considerations on the categorization of Automated Vehicles (CLEPA and OICA)
GRVA/2023/18 Report on the fitness of WP.29 Regulations and Global Technical Regulations for their application to automated vehicles (China, CLEPA, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, OICA, and UK)
GRVA/2023/28 Proposal for new vehicle subcategories for vehicles equipped with automated driving systems (CLEPA and OICA)