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Considerations on the categorization of Automated Vehicles
Document GRVA-17-37
26 September 2023
Submitted by CLEPA and OICA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. (e) | Coordination of work on automation between working parties (GRs)

39. The representative of OICA recalled the purpose of informal document GRVA-16-47 presented in May 2023. He introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/28 (amended by informal document GRVA-17-37), with a detailed amendment proposal of the vehicle categories introducing subcategories for ADS. He proposed that GRVA and the Working Party on General Safety provisions (GRSG) organize a joint workshop to support the finalization of this workstream.

40. Several delegations welcomed the proposal for ADS subcategories but also noted the high number of subcategories proposed. They highlighted the need to focus not only on technical needs under WP.29 but also on the administrative interactions outside of WP.29’s scope.

41. GRVA noted the rules applicable for amending the Special Resolution No. 1 (S.R.1) but agreed that documents can be produced, also by NGOs, for discussion. GRVA welcomed the idea proposed by OICA to organize a joint event with the Working Party on General Safety provisions (GRSG). GRVA supported OICA’s idea to present the document to GRSG at its next session.

Relates to Automated Driving | RE3: Vehicle Construction |