Working Party on Noise and Tyres | Session 75 | 8-11 Feb 2022
Agenda Item 4. (a)
UN Regulation No. 30 (Tyres for passenger cars and their trailers)

16. The expert from ETRTO reported on their ongoing assessment (GRBP-75-22) of the new definition of “radial tyre” that had been proposed by the experts from France and EC at the previous session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2021/9). GRBP looked forward to the outcome of the ETRTO activities and expected that a final proposal would be submitted to the next session. The experts from the Netherlands and Russian Federation pointed out that the radial tyre definition may not necessarily cover new types of tyre structures and that adding a new subgroup of tyres with their own definition should be considered as an alternative.

GRBP-74-07 UN R30: Comments on the proposal for a supplement to the 02 series of amendments (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2021/9) (Canada and USA)
GRBP-75-22 UN R30: Comments on proposal to amend the definition of radial structure (ETRTO)
GRBP/2021/9 UN R30: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments (EC and France)
GRBP/2021/10 Proposal for amendments to UN Regulations No. 54, 75, 106, 108, 109 (EC and France)