Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 12 | 24-28 Jan 2022
Virtual session
Agenda Item 5. (a)
Cyber security and data protection

GRVA may wish to be briefed on the outcome of the recent meeting(s) of the IWG on Cybersecurity and Over-the-Air issues.

GRVA agreed to resume consideration of the proposal for recommendations on uniform provisions concerning cyber security and software updates, tabled by the IWG.

GRVA may wish to be informed of the outcome of workshops on the implementation of UN Regulation No. 155 (Cyber Security and Cyber Security Management System), organized by the secretariat and the National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory of Japan.

GRVA agreed to perform a general review of the scope of UN Regulation No. 155, and consider the vehicle categories S, R and T, as defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the construction of vehicles (R.E.3)

GRVA-12-05 UN R155: Position paper CS for agricultural vehicles (CEMA)
GRVA-12-21 UN R155: Report on the implementation workshop (Japan)
GRVA-12-37 UN R155: Proposal for amendments to interpretation document (CLEPA)
GRVA/2022/5 Cyber Security and Over-The-Air issues (Software updates): recommendations on uniform provisions