WP.29 Regulations and Rulemaking
Artificial Intelligence WP.29 has received comments regarding the use of artificial intelligence in motor-vehicle technologies. Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence WP.29 Discussion Topic Artificial Intelligence
Climate Change Not applicable. Discussion topic only. This initiative concerns discussions on the impact of motor-vehicle transportation on global climate conditions towards informing future WP.29 deliberations. Climate Change Climate Change and Transport WP.29 Discussion Topic Climate Change
Communications/Connectivity This page gathers general materials related to vehicle connectivity (V2X). Related pages exist for over-the-air software updates specifically. Communications/Connectivity Vehicular Communications and Connectivity WP.29 Discussion Topic Communications/Connectivity
Cooling Unit Emissions Cooling Unit Emissions PM Emissions from Cooling Units on Refrigerated Vehicles WP.29 Discussion Topic Cooling Unit Emissions
Crash Compatibility Crash Compatibility Vehicle Crash Compatibility WP.29 Discussion Topic Crash Compatibility
Cyber Security Guidelines Cyber Security Guidelines Guidelines on Cyber Security Technical Requirements WP.29 Discussion Topic Cyber Security Guidelines
Data protection During the 13th session of GRVA China presented the informal document GRVA-13-32 with the request to discuss a harmonized common guidance of data security and data protection. The chair of GRVA recognized the proposal and requested the informal working group on Cyber Security and Over-the-Air Software Updates to discuss and report the findings to next GRVA in January 2022. Data protection Data access and protection WP.29 Discussion Topic Data protection
DETA n.a. DETA is an effort to establish an electronic database whereby regulatory authorities and other authorized users could input and access type approval documentation and related information worldwide. DETA Database for the Exchange of Type Approval Documentation WP.29 Discussion Topic DETA
EFV Not applicable. This item is part of a broad effort to address the "environmental friendliness" of motor vehicles from a "well-to-wheels" perspective. An "Environmentally Friendly Vehicles Conference" was every two years within the general framework of WP.29. Conferences were held in Tokyo (2003), Birmingham (2005), Dresden (2007), New Delhi (2009), and Baltimore(2011) before WP.29 and the EFV informal working group completed this effort. EFV Environmentally Friendly Vehicles WP.29 Discussion Topic EFV
Electric Vehicles & the Environment Electric Vehicles & the Environment Electric Vehicle Environmental Performance WP.29 Discussion Topic Electric Vehicles & the Environment
Enforcement and Compliance n.a. This is a discussion topic within WP.29 towards informing other work of the Forum. Enforcement and Compliance Enforcement and Compliance WP.29 Discussion Topic Enforcement and Compliance
ePTI Discussions on the development of electronic means for technical inspections, including harmonisation of on-board diagnostic (OBD), diagnostic trouble codes (DTC), and scan tools. ePTI Electronic Technical Inspections WP.29 Discussion Topic ePTI
Equitable Occupant Protection This topic delves into research on occupant protection across the diversity of human morphologies, identification of addressable issues, and potential for improvements. Equitable Occupant Protection Equitable Occupant Protection WP.29 Discussion Topic Equitable Occupant Protection
EV-HFCV retrofit EV-HFCV retrofit Retrofit Activities for Electric and Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Vehicles WP.29 Discussion Topic EV-HFCV retrofit
EV/NFCV retrofit EV/NFCV retrofit Electric and hydrogen vehicle retrofit systems WP.29 Discussion Topic EV/NFCV retrofit
Exterior Acoustic Signalling Exterior Acoustic Signalling Exterior Acoustic Signalling WP.29 Discussion Topic Exterior Acoustic Signalling
Frontal Protection of Buses Frontal Protection of Buses Frontal Protection of Buses WP.29 Discussion Topic Frontal Protection of Buses
Global EDR Global EDR Common Data Elements for Event Data Recorders WP.29 Discussion Topic Global EDR
GTR Markings None. The World Forum has engaged in an exchange of views over the possibility of establishing a common system of product markings (mainly within the context of lighting products and tires) through the GTR process. At the November 2010 session, the Forum decided to set this item in abeyance for 2011 unless a new reason appears to reopen the discussion. At the same time, the Forum's DETA group (which is pursuing a data exchange system for type approval information) wishes to keep open the possibility for eventually including information from non-type-approval (e.g., self-certification) nations. GTR Markings Marking Provisions of Global Technical Regulations WP.29 Discussion Topic GTR Markings
HD Fuel Efficiency Measurement Proposal to harmonize methods for the measurement of heavy-duty vehicle fuel efficiency via a UN Global Technical Regulation. HD Fuel Efficiency Measurement Heavy-Duty Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Measurement Methods Harmonization WP.29 Discussion Topic HD Fuel Efficiency Measurement
Interior Noise This topic was raised by the Russian Federation during the September 2014 GRB session. Russia explained to the GRB that a new regulation on interior noise of vehicles would come into force from January 2015 within the Eurasian Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan). Russia urged the GRB to revisit a previous recommendation to develop in coordination with ISO a uniform test method for measuring vehicle interior noise levels. Interior Noise Vehicle Interior Noise Levels WP.29 Discussion Topic Interior Noise
ITS ITS Intelligent Transport Systems WP.29 Discussion Topic ITS
L-BEV Range L-BEV Range L-Category Battery Electric Vehicle Range WP.29 Discussion Topic L-BEV Range
L-EV Battery Durability L-EV Battery Durability Electric L-category Vehicle Battery Durability WP.29 Discussion Topic L-EV Battery Durability
L-vehicle EPPR Requirements for two- and three-wheeled light motor vehicles with regard to propulsion unit performance Originally proposed by the European Union, this program has evolved into several distinct efforts under the EPPR informal group to establish and/or amend global technical regulations regarding propulsion unit performance characteristics of two- and three-wheeled light vehicles. L-vehicle EPPR L-vehicle Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements WP.29 Discussion Topic L-vehicle EPPR
Lightweight Helmets To be determined. <p>The FIA Foundation and GHVI consortium have proposed the establishment of a lightweight motorcycle standard to encourage helmet use in countries where the heavier and more expensive helmet envisioned in UNECE R22 faces significant obstacles to implementation and/or acceptance.</p> <p>The desired outcome of this effort is to provide a technically feasible standard that can be implemented in those regions that currently do not have an existing motorcycle helmet standard and do not currently possess the technical expertise to develop their own motorcycle helmet standard and motorcycle helmet standard test procedures.</p> <p>The sponsors have proposed the creation of an informal group to pursue this initiative.</p> Lightweight Helmets Lightweight Motorcycle Helmets WP.29 Discussion Topic Lightweight Helmets
Mass Limiting Devices None. The proposal to consider a new regulation on mass limiting devices was rejected by the Working Party on General Safety at its 99th session in October 2010. Mass Limiting Devices Mass Limiting Devices WP.29 Discussion Topic Mass Limiting Devices
Motorcycle Max Power Discussion under the EPPR informal group for a global technical regulation to establish uniform procedures for the measurement of maximum engine power for motorcycles. Motorcycle Max Power Measurement of Motorcycle Max Power WP.29 Discussion Topic Motorcycle Max Power
NEPE Wear of brake friction materials and tires are known to generate particle emissions that can impact air and water quality. The Particle Measurement Program (PMP) which previously had focused exclusively on exhaust emissions issues has been tasked to investigate non-exhaust emissions towards better understanding their dynamics and implications for public health. NEPE Non-Exhaust Particle Emissions WP.29 Discussion Topic NEPE
PMP The Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) was established to improve the sensitivity of the Particulate Matter (PM) mass measurement system for heavy and light duty vehicle emissions. PMP developed a particle number (PN) counting method for ultrafine solid particles and enhancements to the PM measurement procedure that were incorporated into UN R83 and R49. Since 2013, PMP has focused on PN as a function of particle size (mainly on the difference between the number of particles measured with the existing PMP methodology (d50=23 nm) and with systems with lower d50s, investigating the possibility to modify the existing d50 methodology from 23 to about 10 nm. PMP Particle Measurement Programme WP.29 Discussion Topic PMP
PTI Anti-Tampering PTI Anti-Tampering PTI Tampering Detection WP.29 Discussion Topic PTI Anti-Tampering
PTI-ADAS PTI-ADAS Periodical Technical Inspections for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems WP.29 Discussion Topic PTI-ADAS
PTI-AV At its 86th meeting, GRRF recommended to cluster subjects together and form a number of task forces to deal with different issues related to the Automatically Commanded Steering Functions work. One task force was devoted to Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI). GAR has established this page to monitor activities related to vehicle automation and in-use vehicle inspections. PTI-AV PTI-Automated Vehicles WP.29 Discussion Topic PTI-AV
PTI: Heavy-duty vehicle braking PTI: Heavy-duty vehicle braking Periodical Technical Inspections for Heavy-duty Braking Systems WP.29 Discussion Topic PTI: Heavy-duty vehicle braking
PTI: Roadside inspections PTI: Roadside inspections Road-Side Inspections WP.29 Discussion Topic PTI: Roadside inspections
PTI: Vehicle Data PTI: Vehicle Data Periodical Technical Inspections: Remote Access to Vehicle Data WP.29 Discussion Topic PTI: Vehicle Data
PTI: Whole Life Compliance PTI: Whole Life Compliance PTI: Whole Life Compliance WP.29 Discussion Topic PTI: Whole Life Compliance
QRTV-GTR Formal title to be determined. QRTV-GTR Quiet Road Transport Vehicles WP.29 Discussion Topic QRTV-GTR
Road Illumination Road Illumination Road Illumination Technologies WP.29 Discussion Topic Road Illumination
Road Surface Labeling Pursuant to a Dutch program to label road surfaces with regard to noise reduction, wet skid resistance, rolling resistance, and lifespan (durability), the Working Party on Noise is considering the establishment of a non-binding resolution or recommendation. Road Surface Labeling Road Surface Labeling Recommendations WP.29 Discussion Topic Road Surface Labeling
Safe and Clean Vehicles Safe and Clean Vehicles Safe and Clean New and Used Vehicles WP.29 Discussion Topic Safe and Clean Vehicles
Side Impact The World Forum/AC.3 has been in an exchange of views on the possibility of a global technical regulation on side impact protection. Given the efforts concerning side-impact dummy harmonization and on pole side-impact testing, the Forum decided in November 2010 to remove this issue temporarily from its agenda. Side Impact Side Impact WP.29 Discussion Topic Side Impact
SLR To be determined. Originally focused on the development of a new "horizontal reference document" as a repository of regulatory provisions common across lighting regulations, this program has evolved into a restructuring based upon light sources, lighting devices, and installation requirements. In particular, the Informal Working Group on the Simplification of Lighting Regulations is working towards the consolidation of lighting device regulations into three new regulations covering forward lighting, light signaling, and retro-reflecting devices. SLR Simplification of Lighting Regulations WP.29 Discussion Topic SLR
Software Updates Guidelines Software Updates Guidelines Guidelines of Software Update Technical Requirements WP.29 Discussion Topic Software Updates Guidelines
Sustainable Development n.a. The United Nations is involved with numerous efforts to promote "sustainable development" globally. This topic page gathers related documents that touch on WP.29 and regulatory activities. Sustainable Development Transport for Sustainable Development WP.29 Discussion Topic Sustainable Development
Vehicle Sound Vehicle Sound Vehicle Sound WP.29 Discussion Topic Vehicle Sound
WorldSID Harmonization WorldSID Harmonization Harmonization of Side Impact Dummies WP.29 Discussion Topic WorldSID Harmonization
Worldwide RDE Worldwide RDE Worldwide Real Driving Emissions Test Procedure WP.29 Discussion Topic Worldwide RDE