Republic of Korea
Contracting Party (1958, 1998 Agreements)
UN Regulations
(Application per terms of 1958 Agreement accession)
| Latest | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
25 March UN R160: Proposals related to rollover and ‘engine rpm’ data element (Korea)
EDR-DSSAD-27-26 2025-03-25
25 March UN R160: Proposals for EDR Step 2 (Korea)
EDR-DSSAD-27-25 2025-03-25
20 March UN R154: Proposal for series of amendments (EC, Germany, Japan, Korea, OICA, Sweden, Switzerland, and UK)
GRPE-92-09 2025-03-20
16 March UN R154: Proposal for new series of amendments (EC, Japan, Korea, OICA, Sweden, Switzerland, and UK)
WLTP-AH-04-05 2025-03-16
23 December 2024 ACPE: Authorization to develop a new UN GTR (Canada, Germany, Japan, Korea, and USA)
WP.29/AC.3/63 2024-12-23