Text prepared by the GRB Expert Group on Regulation 51 and revised during the GRB-59 session consolidating the proposed 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No 51 developed during the informal group’s fourth meeting in Brussels on July 4 plus additions from November 8. This version removes references to “acoustic vehicle alerting systems” (AVAS)
5. On behalf of the Informal Working Group (IWG) on UN Regulations Nos. 51 and 59, the expert from OICA introduced a revised proposal for the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2014/5). He explained that the text of this proposal was harmonized, as far as possible, with European Union (EU) Regulation No. 540/2014 on the sound level of motor vehicles and of replacement silencing systems, including a three-phase reduction of the sound level limits. GRB noted that, following the entry into force of phase 2 for new types of vehicles, EU would undertake a detailed study to review the limits of phase 3 and to correct these values, if deemed to be necessary. Other Contracting Parties were invited to conduct similar studies in the future and to transmit their outcomes to GRB. GRB stressed the importance of aligning the timeline for introduction of phases 1-3 of the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51 with the step-by-step entry into force of the above EU Regulation. For this reason, GRB agreed that all transitional provisions of paragraph 11. of the proposal should refer to specific dates(i.e., dates identical to those of the EU phase-in). Finally, GRB adopted the proposal, as amended by Annex III to this report, and mandated the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their March 2015 sessions.
6. The expert from Japan suggested that references to ISO 10844:2011 be put in square brackets for the time being and requested GRB to revert to this issue at the next session.
8. GRB noted that the additional sound emission provisions contained in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2011/64 had been incorporated into the revised proposal for the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2014/5) and decided to remove ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2011/64 from the agenda.
7. The expert from EC informed GRB about the work progress of the EU regulation on the noise emission and introduced a revised proposal for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 51 submitted by the GRB Expert Group on UN Regulation 51 (GRB-59-04-Rev.1). He clarified that the proposal was based on GRB-58-17-Rev.1, outcome of the GRB expert group meeting and on the latest update of the EU regulation. He clarified that one of the major modifications introduced was the deletion of Annex 11 on the Audible Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) which should become part of the UN GTR on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles (QRTV) and come into force in due course. The experts from EC and OICA pointed out the difficulties in aligning the texts of the draft EU regulation on the noise emission and UN Regulation No. 51, due to different definitions and legal languages used.
8. The experts from Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Switzerland, EC, ETRTO, OICA as well as the Chair addressed the issue whether or not to delete the footnote after the table with sound level limits in paragraph of GRB-59-04-Rev.1 which refers to the last column “Phase 3” and reads as follows: “To be reviewed and confirmed or modified at the latest one year after entry”. GRB noted that this provision corresponds to Article 7 of the draft EU regulation on the noise emission and aims to review the appropriateness of the noise limits in the future. However, the legal implications of the footnote seemed unclear. GRB invited the expert from EC to clarify this issue with the EU legal services. In the meantime, GRB agreed to put the footnote in square brackets and resume consideration at a later stage. GRB also extensively discussed the wording of paragraph (sound limit values and categories of vehicles) introducing exceptions for limit values applicable to certain categories of vehicles.
9. GRB resumed consideration of the limit values for certain vehicle categories on the basis of a presentation by the expert from Japan (GRB-59-09) on flat front light vehicles of category N1. The experts from France, Germany, Italy and OICA supported GRB-59-09. The expert from EC stated that a common EU position on this issue, as well as on M3 buses, was expected at the beginning of 2014.
10. Thus, GRB recalled GRB-58-08, GRB-58-09 and GRB-58-10 tabled by the expert from China in which he suggested higher limit values for vehicles of a specific category on the Chinese market. Referring to the above proposal by Japan, GRB invited the expert from China to explain and further justify his proposal in a similar way, possibly at the next sessions of the IWG on UN Regulation No. 51 and UN Regulation No. 59 in March and May 2014. GRB agreed to refer GRB-59-04-Rev.1 to the IWG incorporating all the changes agreed during the session, including GRB-59-09. GRB also agreed to resume discussion on the 03 series of amendments at its September 2014 session on the basis of an official proposal submitted by the IWG.
13. GRB noted that this agenda item was de facto covered in the framework of the discussion under agenda item 3(a). Thus, GRB agreed that, for its next session, agenda items 3(a) and 3 (b) should be combined and mention as references only GRB-59-04-Rev.1 and GRB-59-10-Rev.1. Finally, GRB agreed to remove ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2012/7, GRB-58-08, GRB-58-09, GRB-58-10, GRB-58-14 and GRB-58-17-Rev.1 from the agenda of the next session.
GRB-59-04 | |
IWG-R51/R59-02-01 | |
IWG-R51/R59-02-05 | |
GRB/2014/5 |