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Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 106
Document GRRF/2016/38
7 July 2016

Proposal to:
a) Align definitions and contents of paragraphs with the other tyre regulations (UN R30, R54, R117, etc.);
b) Include a definition of “Manufacturer” extracted from the resolution “R.E.3”;
c) Adopt a common definition and use of the terms “Manufacturer’s name”," Brand name", “Trademark”, “Trade description” and “Commercial name” and their links;
d) Clarify which markings shall be moulded on both sidewalls of the tyre; and those which shall be moulded on one sidewall only;
e) Add information in the certificate to clarify the relationship with the certified products;
f) Align definitions with Regulation EU 167/2013 which defines vehicles in category S as “interchangeable towed equipment” and includes tread patterns for ‘implement traction tyres’ that consist of blocks rather than lugs or cleats;
g) Eliminate redundant marking requirements;
h) Clarify the inflation pressure to be used for measurements and tests and related tyre markings;
i) Align the current rules for calculating the dimensional limits in accordance with ISO, all major tyre standards, and as proposed for UN R30, R54, and R75.

Submitted by ETRTO and France
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. (e) | Tyres: Regulation No. 106

38. The expert from ETRTO presented a revised proposal ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2017/9 with provisions which were already supported at the last session. He introduced the revised transitional provisions related to new marking requirements. The experts from EC and UK proposed an alternative wording (GRRF-83-14). Both proposals received several comments. Therefore GRRF agreed to adopt the agreed provisions that would not be subject to transitional provisions and to remove the others, as reproduced in GRRF-83-23.

39. GRRF requested the secretariat to submit the adopted proposals ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2017/9 amended by Annex VI (based on GRRF-83-23 and GRRF-83-15) as well as ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2016/39 as draft Supplement 15 to Regulation No. 106 (Agricultural tyres) to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2017 sessions.

7. (e) | Tyres: Regulation No. 106

35. The expert from ETRTO presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2016/38, proposing amendments on tyre markings, similar amendments to those proposed by the expert from France (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2016/37) and harmonized provisions with those in another EU Regulation (namely Regulation EU 167/2013) which defines vehicles of Category S as “interchangeable towed equipment”. GRRF amended the proposal, as reflected in GRRF-82-24-Rev.1.

37. GRRF agreed with the proposals above (see paras. 35-36) and requested the secretariat to keep the documents on the agenda of its January 2017 session.

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Relates to UN R106 |