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Traffic noise: can the poro-elastic road surface help?
Document GRB-62-23
24 August 2015

Presentation on low-noise pavements and the PERSUADE (PoroElastic Road
SUrface for Avoiding Damage to the Environment) project.

Submitted by BRRC
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
10. Influence of road surface on tyre rolling sound emissions

19. The expert from the Belgian Road Research Centre (BRCC) presented a new solution for noise reducing pavements, namely the poro-elastic road surface which provides for extreme noise reduction in a range from 7 to 12 dB(A) (GRB-62-23). GRB thanked BRCC for this presentation and looked forward to further studies and presentations on the issue.

Relates to UN R51 | UN R117 |