Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 11 | 27 Sep-1 Oct 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 3.
Artificial Intelligence in vehicles.

7. The Secretary presented GRVA-11-30, summarizing GRVA-11-03, the document requested by GRVA at its tenth session. He explained that the document was summarizing the deliberations of GRVA, so far, on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of vehicle regulations. He added that the document contained the list of statements made by the delegations on this topic. He continued that the document proposed possibilities, in terms of committees, to further discuss this topic and also in terms of documentation, on how to take stoke of the statements received so far. He went through the text of a draft guidance document drafted on the basis of the positions expressed. He asked for comments and input.

8. The expert from France welcomed the document. He stated that such document was necessary. He promised to provide input after the session to the secretariat.

9. The expert from FIA welcomed developments in the field of AI. He welcomed that GRVA took care of it but he noted that most AI were based on interactions with human beings. He wondered how GRVA should consider the involvement of humans in this context. GRVA invited the expert from FIA to provide input on this aspect at the next session, if desired.

10. The expert from Germany welcomed the document as an excellent summary. She added that the document was under review by the experts and that she would send comments to the secretariat.

11. The expert from UK highlighted that AI could have relevance for other WP.29 subsidiary bodies as AI could also impact e.g. emissions.

12. The expert from the USA sought for clarifications about the purpose of this exercise, and what would be delivered, a note, some reporting to WP.29, or a guidance document.

13. The expert from SAE International stressed that discussions in this area needs to stand with proper definitions.

14. The expert from Canada agreed with the expert from SAE International and stressed the importance of definitions before guidance is contemplated.

15. The expert from the Russian Federation advised, on definitions, to first focus on AI as a software that is implemented in an Automated Driving System (ADS), with specific features, affecting safety.

16. The expert from France suggested that a first output under this agenda item should be an information for WP.29 so that WP.29 can then decide on the outcome that should be delivered.

17. GRVA agreed that AI have applications beyond ADAS and ADS and that this should be reported to WP.29.

18. GRVA welcomed the informal document prepared by the secretariat and invited experts to provide input for the preparation of a revised version.

19. The expert from France introduced GRVA-11-38 with details about the “Grand Défi” Program on “Trustworthy & Industrial AI” taking place in its country. He detailed the three pillars of the programme: the technological pillar, the norm pillar and the applications conformity assessment pillar. He explained the activities under the technological pillar, he provided details on the project called PRISSMA, a first platform on New Autonomous Mobility under the applications conformity assessment Pillar (primarily focusing on distribution droids and shuttle buses without safety drivers) and he described the activities of the French standardization body (ANFNOR), aimed at setting up a standardization road map (and priorities) and international cooperation, to promote common vision on standardization for AI at EU and international levels.

GRVA-11-03 Artificial Intelligence and Vehicle Regulations
GRVA-11-30 Artificial intelligence and vehicle regulations: Presentation on the summary of inputs
GRVA-11-39 Grand Défi Program on “Trustworthy & Industrial AI” (France)