Working Party on Lighting and Light-signalling | Session 84 | 26-30 Apr 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 6. (a)
UN R48: Proposals for amendments to the latest series of amendments

21. The expert of GTB introduced revised proposals for amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 48 and 149 on road projections of driver assistance symbols as well as supporting material (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/4/Rev.1, GRE-84-24, GRE-84-25, GRE-84-26, GRE-84-27 and GRE-84-38-Rev.1). During an in-depth discussion, experts from Contracting Parties generally supported the concept but expressed several concerns over the proposed technical requirements. The expert from Japan presented their list of outstanding issues (GRE-84-36).

22. GRE requested GTB and OICA to liaise with all experts concerned with the aim to submit a revised proposal to the next session. GRE also invited other experts from Contracting Parties to send their comments to GTB and OICA and to take part in preparatory online meetings to be organized by GTB.

23. GRE noted that the revised proposal that allows the use of manufacturer logos inside the illuminant surface of a signalling lamps (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/5/Rev.1) would be postponed to the next session, due to the ongoing work on the proposal. In the interim, GRE reiterated its request to type approval authorities to refrain from granting type approvals to lamps with such logos.

24. The expert of GTB proposed to clarify the determination of the apparent surface (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2021/5). GRE adopted the proposal and requested the secretariat to submit it for consideration and vote at the November 2021 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as draft Supplement 7 to the 03 series, draft Supplement 20 to the 04 series, draft Supplement 15 to the 05 series, draft Supplement 15 to the 06 series, draft Supplement 2 to the 07 series and as part of the future 08 (see para. 27 below) series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48.

25. The expert from Germany proposed to clarify the installation requirements of the foremost side-marker lamps (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2021/8). GRE adopted this proposal and requested the secretariat to submit it for consideration and vote at the November 2021 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as draft Supplement 15 to the 06 series, draft Supplement 2 to the 07 series and as part the future 08 (see para. 27 below) series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48.

GRE-84-24 UN R48: Revised proposal to GRE/2020/4 Rev 1 (GTB)
GRE-84-25 Article on road projections as a new and intuitively understandable human-machine interface (GTB)
GRE-84-26 Article on Investigation on Headlights with High-resolution Projection Modules (GTB)
GRE-84-27 Article on real driving benefits and research findings with digital light functions (GTB)
GRE-84-36 UN R48: Proposal for supplements to 06 and 07 series of amendments (Japan)
GRE-84-38 Proposal to amend the draft Supplements to UN R48 and UN R149 (GRE/2020/4/Rev.1) (OICA)
GRE-84-38/Rev1 UN R 48: Proposal for Supplement to 06 and 07 series of amendments (OICA)
GRE/2020/4/Rev.1 Proposal for Supplements to UN R149 and to the 06 and 07 series of amendments to UN R48 (GTB)
GRE/2020/5/Rev.1 Proposal for Supplements to UN Regulations Nos. 48 and 148 (France and Germany)
GRE/2020/8/Rev.2 UN R48: Revised proposal for a new series of amendments
GRE/2021/2 UN R48: Proposal for a new [08] series of amendments (Japan)
GRE/2021/4 UN R48: Proposal for a new 08 series of amendments
GRE/2021/5 UN R48: Proposal for Supplement [16] to the 06 series and Supplement [02] to the 07 series of amendments (GTB)
GRE/2021/8 UN R48: Proposal for an amendment to the 06, 07 and 08 series of amendments (Germany)