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UN R48: Proposal for a new 08 series of amendments
Document GRE/2021/4
8 February 2021

Proposal from the GRE Special Interest Group to define the switching conditions of dipped beam and daytime running lamps (DRL) and the variable intensity of rear lamps in conjunction with traffic conditions.

Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.6. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRE

79. The Chair of GRE presented the documents for agenda items 4.6.1 – 4.6.4.

80. The World Forum considered the draft amendments under agenda items 4.6.1 and 4.6.3. – 4.6.12. and recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting.

81. For agenda item 4.6.2, the World Forum noted informal document WP.29-185-05 submitted by the representative of OICA.

82. WP.29 agreed to submit ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/86 to AC.1 for voting, with the following amendment:
In para. 12.7.2. (twice) and 12.7.3 (once), for “1 September 2023” read “1 September 2024”.

4.6.2. Proposal for the 08 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4.6.6. Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4. (a) Activities of the Informal Working Group "Simplification of the Lighting and Light-Signalling Regulations"
6. UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
6. (a) UN R48: Proposals for amendments to the latest series of amendments
6. (b) Proposals for new series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48

26. The expert from the Special Interest Group tabled a proposal for a new series of amendments that defines the switching conditions of various lamps and the variable intensity of rear lamps in conjunction with traffic conditions (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2021/4 and GRE-84-22).

27. GRE agreed to remove the square brackets in the document and to keep the text inside. GRE adopted the proposal and requested the secretariat to submit it for consideration and vote at the November 2021 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as a new 08 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48. Following the adoption, the expert from OICA expressed the view that the adopted transitional provisions were too short for the industry.

6. (b) UN R48: Proposals for new series of amendments

34. The expert from the Special Interest Group (SIG) presented a proposal for another new draft series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 concerning switching conditions of various lamps and the variable intensity of rear lamps in conjunction with traffic conditions (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/14). The expert from OICA proposed further modifications (GRE-83-32). Following an in-depth discussion, GRE invited SIG to take into account various comments and to submit a revised document to the next session.

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