Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 68 | 7-11 Dec 2020
Web conference
Agenda Item 16.
Mutual Resolution No. 1

30. The expert from United Kingdom introduced GRSP-68-23, representing the development of Mutual Resolution No. 1, Addendum 1 and concerning the Biomechanical Rear Impact Dummy-II (BIORID-II) UN dummy as part of test tools in UN GTR No. 7 and UN Regulation No. 17 (10 series of amendments) for use in rear impact assessment. He recommended that consideration on this proposal would be made together with GRSP-54-05 (Draft addendum 1 to M.R.1), introduced at the fifty-fourth session of GRSP (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/54, para. 4). He recommended GRSP to provide comments on GRSP-68-23 and GRSP-54-05 before 31 January 2021 for consideration in the final document to be submitted to the May 2021 session of GRSP. It was noted that copyrights were expected to be removed from drawings when the proposal would be finally adopted by WP.29 and AC.3. GRSP agreed with the recommendation of the expert from the United Kingdom and agreed to resume discussion at its May 2021 session.

31. The expert from Germany introduced GRSP-68-12, advocating the development of an addendum to the M.R.1 to include Q dummies, used in UN Regulation No. 129. He also suggested the establishment of a task force to develop the work M.R.1. GRSP agreed with the suggestion of the expert from Germany. GRSP noted that the task force would start early 2021 led by the expert from Germany and by the expert from CLEPA. Moreover, the expert from CLEPA clarified that the approach to develop the work would follow the proposal of Addendum to the M.R.1, developed by the expert from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

32. The experts from Sweden gave two presentations (GRSP-68-08-Rev.1; GRSP-68-07), showing the results of a study whether female occupants have the same protection level as male occupants. Swedish experts also explained the issue of the lack of average female crash test dummies. She concluded that the study had shown that: (a) crash related injury risks are higher in females (especially whiplash), (b) females are poorly represented by existing crash test dummies, (c) information about body size (stature and mass) should be included in traffic injury databases and (d) injury data need to be reported for females and males separately. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this issue at its May 2021 session.

GRSP-54-05 MR1: Specifications for the 50th percentile male BioRID-II ATD
GRSP-68-07 What can we do in GRSP to get the same protection level for female occupants as for male? (Sweden)
GRSP-68-08/Rev.1 Do female occupants have the same protection level as male occupants? (Sweden)
GRSP-68-12 Q Dummies under UN Mutual Resolution No. 1 (Germany)
GRSP-68-23 MR1: BioRID-II status (UK)