30. The expert from United Kingdom introduced GRSP-68-23, representing the development of Mutual Resolution No. 1, Addendum 1 and concerning the Biomechanical Rear Impact Dummy-II (BIORID-II) UN dummy as part of test tools in UN GTR No. 7 and UN Regulation No. 17 (10 series of amendments) for use in rear impact assessment. He recommended that consideration on this proposal would be made together with GRSP-54-05 (Draft addendum 1 to M.R.1), introduced at the fifty-fourth session of GRSP (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/54, para. 4). He recommended GRSP to provide comments on GRSP-68-23 and GRSP-54-05 before 31 January 2021 for consideration in the final document to be submitted to the May 2021 session of GRSP. It was noted that copyrights were expected to be removed from drawings when the proposal would be finally adopted by WP.29 and AC.3. GRSP agreed with the recommendation of the expert from the United Kingdom and agreed to resume discussion at its May 2021 session.