previous meeting | next meeting |
1. | Adoption of the agenda |
3. GRSP considered and adopted the agenda (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/11) proposed for the sixty-eighth session, the running order (GRSP-68-01-Rev.1), virtual meeting guidelines (GRSP-68-17) and the annotations (GRSP-68-04). GRSP informal working groups are listed in Annex IV of the session report.
GRSP-68-01/Rev.1 | Running order of the agenda for the 68th (December 2020) GRSP session
GRSP-68-04 | GRSP-68: Updated annotated agenda
GRSP-68-17 | GRSP-68: Virtual meeting guidelines
GRSP/2020/11 | GRSP: Annotated provisional agenda for the 68th (December 2020) session
2. | UN Global Technical Regulation No. 9 (Pedestrian safety) | |
2. (a) | Proposal for Amendment 3 |
4. Concerning the issue of different heights of the vehicle from adjustable suspension systems, the expert from Germany requested to resume consideration on this issue (GRSP-65-17) at the May 2021 session of GRSP. GRSP agreed with the request from the expert from Germany and noted that amendment 3 would be completed at the March 2021 session of the Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement (AC.3) with the incorporation of provisions concerning the revised headform test. Thus, GRSP noted that a possible amendment incorporating the adjustable suspension systems would be a new one following the endorsement of a new request of authorization to develop the work submitted by a Technical Sponsor.
GRSP-65-17 | GTR 9: Proposal for Amendment 3
Proposal to ensure pedestrian safety across the vehicle height variations that may be produced by active suspensions.
2. (b) | Proposal for Amendment 4 |
5. The expert from the Republic of Korea introduced GRSP-68-14, providing the progress report of the Informal Working Group on Deployable Pedestrian Protection Systems (IWG-DPPS). He explained that due to the limitation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the IWG had still open issues and the finalization of a proposal would be expected by May 2022 session of GRSP.
GRSP-68-14 | Status report of the DPPS informal working group
3. | UN Global Technical Regulation No. 13 (Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles) |
6. The expert from the United States of America, on behalf of the co-sponsors (Japan, Republic of Korea and the European Union) informed GRSP about the work progress of IWG on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles (HFCV) UN GTR No. 13, Phase 2 by referring to the statement he gave during the November 2020 session of AC.3 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1155, para. 168). GRSP noted that the AC.3 endorsed the extension of the mandate of the IWG on HFCV until June 2022. |
4. | UN Global Technical Regulation No. 20 (Electric vehicle safety) |
7. The expert from the United States of America, on behalf of the co-sponsors (China, Japan, European Union and the members of IWG GTR No. 20, Phase 2) reported on the progress of the IWG meeting of Electric Vehicle Safety (EVS) – GTR, Phase 2. Likewise for agenda item 3, he referred to the statement he gave during the November 2020 session of AC.3 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1155, para. 177). GRSP noted that IWG plans were to discuss the mandate extension. |
5. | UN Regulation No. 12 (Steering mechanism) |
8. GRSP noted that the expert from the Netherlands would introduce a proposal at the May 2021 session of GRSP to introduce requirements concerning post-crash electrical safety as was agreed for UN Regulation No. 94 (Frontal collision). |
6. | UN Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts) |
9. Referring to the proposal tabled (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2019/15 and GRSP-66-14 amending it) by the expert from the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA), GRSP agreed to defer discussion on the subject of an alternative (at the choice of the manufacturer) airbag switch-off for frontal airbags in combination with rearward-facing child restraint systems in the rear seat at its May 2020 session. This is with the aim of allowing dialogue between interested parties whose meetings would possibly finalize a proposal by February 2021.
GRSP-66-14 | UN R16: Proposal to amend document GRSP/2019/15 (Supplement 6 to the 07 series and Supplement 1 to 08 series of amendments)
Proposal to clarify the test procedures and the different ECRS to be tested for the assessment of the system.
GRSP/2019/15 | UN R16: Proposal for Supplement 6 to the 07 series of amendments and for Supplement 1 to 08 series of amendments
Proposal to introduce an optional (on the choice of the manufacturer) test procedure for frontal airbags in combination with rearward facing child restraint systems in the rear seat to demonstrate that no deactivation of the airbag is needed.
10. The expert from Finland reiterated his proposal (GRSP-66-08) on the possibility to have three-point safety-belts in M2 and M3 categories of vehicles. The expert from OICA argued that provisions on the fitting of safety-belts for buses are already in place in UN Regulations Nos. 16 and 80 (Strength of seats and their anchorages (buses)). The expert from EC clarified that for buses only the two-point belt fitting was mandatory on non-exposed seats. However, EC expert recommended that mandatory fitting of three-point safety-belts should be coupled by mandatory fitting of safety-belts reminders. The expert from Spain confirmed the statement of the expert from EC and informed GRSP that during the discussions within the IWG on how to secure children in buses, the group highlighted problems related to the use of two-point safety-belts. The expert from OICA recommended a real-world accident data approach to avoid lengthy discussion without any reasonable solution in sight. The expert from the Netherlands also recommended verifying accident data to provide basis for discussion. Finally, GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2021 session.
GRSP-66-08 | Equipping bus seats with three point belt according to UN Regulation No. 16
Finnish Safety Investigation Authority has given recommendation to equip the seats of category M<sub>2</sub> and M<sub>3</<ub> vehicles with lap and shoulder belt type seat belts, i.e. three-point seat belts.
7. | UN Regulation No. 17 (Strength of seats) |
11. The expert from OICA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/12 to clarify the test procedure for the height of head restraints in the case of vehicles having a low roof construction. He added that the current provisions were design restrictive and that the proposal was addressing only integrated head restraints. However, the expert from Japan expressed the following concerns through a presentation (GRSP-68-31-Rev.1) to the proposal:
12. The expert from OICA further argued that the proposal would guarantee safety performances since all other static requirements would remain in place and by foreseeing dynamic tests in case of application of this exemption provision. He reminded GRSP that the current provisions required a lower limit of the head restraint height to guarantee the safety performance of taller passengers. The expert from the Netherlands and Germany requested a time reservation to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/12. Finally, GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2021 session.
GRSP-68-31/Rev.1 | Test procedure for the height of head restraints in the case of vehicles having a low roof construction
GRSP/2020/12 | UN R17: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 10 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify the test procedure for the height of head restraints in the case of vehicles having a low roof construction.
8. | UN Regulation No. 22 (Protective helmets) |
13. The expert from Israel, explaining the point of view of the “motorcycle helmet communication”, introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/19 through a presentation (GRSP-68-15), proposing a temporary solution to the 06 series of amendments to the UN Regulation. He also proposed at the same time a revised definition of accessories allowed to be fitted in type approved helmets. He clarified that this temporary solution should be followed by a new proposal delivered by the IWG and asked that IWG consider some examples for communication accessories requirements as well as for helmets in his presentation. The expert from Sweden introduced GRSP-68-09, amending ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/19. She expressed concerns that the issue was affecting the validity of type approval originally granted and she questioned who would bear this responsibility. The expert from the Netherland argued that the Israeli proposal was not acceptable because it was opened to any kind of accessories to be implemented on the helmet. The expert from Republic of Korea supported the proposal tabled by the expert from Israel. The expert from Germany stated that the proposal was a good basis to start discussion, but it was premature to draw specific conclusions. He explained that current requirements of the UN Regulation were aimed at limiting the use of aftermarket products, whose liability was not in the purview of helmet manufacturers. He suggested that GRSP experts engage in their discussions stakeholders from the helmet aftermarket industry (e.g: camera industry). The expert from Spain clarified that accessories should be intended to integrate the securing functionalities of the helmet (e.g.: tear-off films of inner visors, electronic devices and their support. The expert from Italy clarified that the IWG activities were suspended due to the lack of research results that would allow Phase 2 of the UN Regulation to begin and that this issue was not included in the scope of the IWG. Therefore, GRSP agreed to establish an ad hoc group of interested experts to discuss and devise at the earliest convenience a solution on this issue. The experts from France, Republic of Korea, The Netherlands, Israel, Italy, Germany, Spain and from the European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA) stated their availability to participate to the activities of the ad-hoc group. GRSP, also agreed to resume discussion on this agenda item on the basis of the outcome of the ad-hoc group.
GRSP-68-09 | UN R22: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 06 series of amendments
Proposal to avoid trade barriers for aftermarket accessories being used by riders until specific requirements for the homologation of accessories independent from the helmets are defined.
GRSP-68-15 | UN R22: Proposal for amending the regulation
Presentation concerning the approval of helmet accessories sold separately.
GRSP/2020/19 | UN R22: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 06 series of amendments
Proposal to enable the approval of helmet accessories independently of the helmet manufacturers pending the establishment of provisions for the approval of accessories compatible with approved helmets.
9. | UN Regulation No. 44 (Child Restraint Systems) |
14. Referring to the request made by the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work of WP.29 (WP.29/AC.2) (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1155, para. 30), GRSP resumed discussion on the belt-guide device type approved as Child Restraint System (CRS) according to UN Regulation No. 44 by the Type Approval Authority of Poland. The expert from the Netherlands introduced a presentation (GRSP-68-24), showing additional test results performed on the belt-guide. He added that the tests confirmed the conclusion laid out in document GRSP-67-05, introduced at the July 2020 session of GRSP and in addition showed that the device does not conform to the dynamic test requirements when tested with the P10 dummy. Therefore, he stated:
The expert of the Netherlands further added that for the time being he was not requesting an arbitration process according to Schedule 6 of the 1958 Agreement, because a parallel investigation is being conducted at the European Commission level. The expert from Poland introduced GRSP-68-27 arguing against the conclusions of GRSP-68-24 and providing clarifications on the belt-guide dynamic test performances. He stated:
He concluded that in December 2019, after comparative tests with other CRS showed problems with other type-approved CRS, the discussion in GRSP should be broadened to focus on other CRS as well. The expert from Spain, stated that the focus should be on the interpretation that a belt-guide and similar devices cannot be separately approved as a CRS.
GRSP-50-09 | Evaluation of a belt guide device under UNR 44
GRSP-50-25 | Evaluation of belt guide and inflatable child seat systems
Presentation detailing non-compliance issues identified in child seat belt guides and inflatable child seat systems.
GRSP-65-20 | UN R44: Request for guidance
Request for guidance in order to resolve conflicting interpretations of paragraph The paragraphs reads, " The vertical component of the acceleration from the abdomen towards the head shall not exceed 30 g except during periods whose sum does not exceed 3 ms.” However, an explanatory note for Technical Services on performing the tests under Annex 15 adds, "The wording of this paragraph [] refers to accelerations representing tensile loads in the spine of the dummy.” Differing interpretations have resulted in a CRS being approved but then rejected during Conformity of Production review by a separate Technical Service.
GRSP-67-05 | Reservation over Type Approval E20 44R 04 4013 – Braxx Smart Kid Belt
GRSP-68-24 | Comments on the Braxx Smart Kid Belt
GRSP-68-33 | Invalid Approval E20 44R 044013 Smart Kid Belt
10. | UN Regulation No. 95 (Lateral collision) |
18. The expert from OICA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/13, to clarify transitional provisions on possibilities given by earlier series of amendments were maintained valid. GRSP adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/13, not amended and requested the secretariat to submit the proposal as the draft Supplement 1 to the 05 series of amendment to UN Regulation No. 95, for consideration and vote at the June 2021 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1.
GRSP/2020/13 | UN R95: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 05 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify transitional provisions of the 05 series of amendments to UN R95 (document WP.29/2020/108).
19. GRSP considered GRSP-68-20, tabled by the expert from Japan to amend the current scope of the UN Regulation. He explained that the proposal was an additional amendment to an amendment adopted by GRSP and tabled by the expert from EC on behalf of the task force to align the UN Regulation to the revised General Safety Regulation of the European Union (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/66 para. 31). He explained that the mass limit for passenger vehicles (M1 categories) was not justified and inconsistent with the current definition of M1 vehicles (which currently has no mass limitation). The expert from EC agreed with the expert from Japan, explaining that was not the original intention to impose this mass limit. The expert from France raised a study reservation to the proposal. The expert from OICA expressed concerns to the proposal since M1 vehicles might have a high mass because derived from N2, or M2. He added that such vehicles (e.g.: motor caravans) were currently exempted as a general rule due to the higher seating reference point (R-point). He added that the proposal would include these types of vehicles and asked clarifications if the proposal would be considered a new series of amendments or a supplement. The expert from Germany agreed that full consideration should be given of motor caravans and raised a study reservation. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2021 session of GRSP and requested the secretariat to distribute GRSP-68-20 with an official symbol.
GRSP-68-20 | UN R95: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 04 series and Supplement 1 to the 05 series of amendments
Proposal to delete the mass restriction ("a maximum permissible mass not exceeding 3,500 kg") for M<sub>1</sub> vehicles from the scope.
11. | UN Regulation No. 127 (Pedestrian safety) |
20. The expert from Germany reiterated his proposal (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2019/18) and referred to agenda item 3(a) (see paragraph 4). The expert from OICA introduced GRSP-68-18 as a counterproposal of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2019/18, tabled by the expert from Germany. He explained that the proposal was reflecting the latest stage of discussions aimed at clarifying the issue that vehicle height has an influence on the test results of headform and legform tests. He also suggested to encompass this issue with ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/9. GRSP recalled that this last proposal was prepared by the experts of the Drafting Task Force to align the UN Regulation with the revised General Safety Regulation of the European Union that would enlarge the head impact zone to include the windscreen area. The expert from Republic of Korea suggested that the impact test speed ratio should be aligned to that one identified by the IWG-DPPS (see para. 5 above). Finally, GRSP agreed to resume discussion to the proposals of amendments to the UN Regulation at its May 2021 session.
GRSP/2019/18 | UN R127: Proposal for Supplement 2 the 00 series of amendments, Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments and Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments
Proposal to ensure pedestrian protection across the vehicle height variations that may be produced by an active suspension system.
GRSP/2020/9 | UN R127 : Proposal for 03 series of amendments
Proposal by the expert from EC on behalf of the Drafting Task Force to align the UN Regulation with the revised General Safety Regulation of the European Union – appropriate transitional provisions, and minor adaptations and clarifications to the existing requirements. This proposal will allow contracting parties to apply an enlarged head impact zone for regulatory compliance testing.
12. | UN Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced Child Restraint Systems) |
21. The expert from CLEPA introduced:
22. GRSP adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/15, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/16 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/18, all as amended by Annex III to the session report and requested to submit them, as whole package, as draft Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129, for consideration and vote at the June 2021 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1.
GRSP-68-02/Rev.2 | UN R129: Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to introduce provisions for a Digital User Guide.
GRSP-68-11/Rev.2 | UN R129: Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify that specific vehicle belted Enhanced Child Restraint Systems (ECRS) may be fitted with a support leg, top tether and lower tether attachments.
GRSP-68-25/Rev.1 | UN R129: Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments
GRSP/2020/15 | UN R129: Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to introduce provisions for a Digital User Guide.
GRSP/2020/16 | UN R129: Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify provisions including the Test Report Template and Dimension Assessment Method.
GRSP/2020/18 | UN R129: Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify that specific vehicle belted Enhanced Child Restraint Systems (ECRS) may be fitted with a support leg, top tether and lower tether attachments. This proposal also amends the existing support leg volume to improve the compatibility between the support leg volume and the Child Restraint Fixtures used for accessing the external dimensions of an ECRS.
23. GRSP resumed discussion on limit values on the chest vertical acceleration of Q-dummies during the dynamic testing of ECRS, on the basis of GRSP-68-05 tabled by the expert from CLEPA. The expert from CLEPA introduced the proposal through a presentation (GRSP-68-10) showing GRSP that collection and analysis of data monitoring was progressing. He further encouraged Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement to provide data to support the analysis and the proposed limits. The expert from Spain introduced a presentation (GRSP-68-26), showing the test results conducted by her technical service on the effects of dummy type Q1.5 chin-thorax contact in measuring upper neck forces. GRSP noted that further data collection was needed and agreed to resume discussion on this topic at its May 2021 session.
GRSP-68-05 | UN R129: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments
Proposal for amendments to the injury assessment criteria for frontal and rear impact to specify limit values for tension force and flexion moment measured in the upper neck of the Q0, Q1 and Q1.5 dummies.
GRSP-68-10 | UN R129: Explanatory presentation on CLEPA neck load limits proposal
GRSP-68-26 | Effects of Q1.5 chin-thorax contact in measuring upper neck force
24. The expert from Spain introduced GRSP-68-13, aimed at not considering the maximum dimension for specific vehicle built-in ECRS. The expert from CLEPA raised a time reservation on the proposal. Finally, GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this topic at its May 2021 session on the basis of a revised proposal by the experts from Spain, CLEPA and OICA.
GRSP-68-13 | UN R129: Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify that the minimum prescribed dimensions of a CRS do not restrict the maximum dimensions of CRS.
13. | UN Regulation No. 134 (Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles) |
25. GRSP resumed consideration on a proposal (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/17) tabled by the expert from the Netherlands aimed at identifying hydrogen-fuelled buses which would be consistent with already existing regulated identification for Liquid Petroleum Gas, Compressed Natural Gas and Liquid Natural Gas fuelled buses. GRSP adopted the proposal not amended and requested the secretariat to submit ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/17 as draft 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 134, for consideration and vote at the June 2021 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1. 26. The expert from OICA also noted that further discussions on the UN Regulation would be needed to solve a number of inconsistencies concerning heavy-duty vehicles (trucks and buses). GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2021 session on the basis of a proposal tabled by the expert from OICA.
GRSP/2020/17 | UN R134: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments
Proposal to align UN R134 with UN R67 and UN R110 with regard to labelling requirements and to assist emergency services in determining appropriate responses in case of fire.
14. | UN Regulation No. 135 (Pole side impact (PSI)) |
27. GRSP agreed to defer discussion on this subject at its May 2021 session on the basis of a similar proposal announced under agenda item 5 (see para. 8 above) tabled by the expert from the Netherlands. |
15. | UN Regulation No. 137 (Frontal impact with focus on restraint systems) |
28. GRSP noted a similar proposal introduced under agenda item 10 (see para. 18 above) resumed discussion on a proposal (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/14) GRSP adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2020/14, not amended and requested the secretariat to submit the proposal as the draft Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendment to UN Regulation No. 137, for consideration and vote at the June 2021 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1.
GRSP/2020/14 | UN R137: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify transitional provisions of the 02 series of amendments to UN R137 (document WP.29/2020/110).
29. The expert from the Republic of Korea introduced GRSP-68-06, concerning the Korean New Car Assessment Programme results on Micro-Mobility/Quadricycles (L7 Category vehicles). He suggested that it would be difficult to introduce new impact test requirements for L7 vehicles to ensure crash safety at same level equivalent of small passenger vehicles at this stage. He confirmed that Micro-Mobility can comply with other requirements such as door latch, seat strength, safety-belt anchorages and electrical safety after impact. He concluded that GRSP should consider developing requirements for major components of Micro-Mobility as a first step and wished to start cooperation with Japan and with IMMA on overall Micro-Mobility safety. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2021 session.
GRSP-68-06 | KNCAP results for Micro-Mobility (L7 Category) Vehicles
16. | Mutual Resolution No. 1 |
30. The expert from United Kingdom introduced GRSP-68-23, representing the development of Mutual Resolution No. 1, Addendum 1 and concerning the Biomechanical Rear Impact Dummy-II (BIORID-II) UN dummy as part of test tools in UN GTR No. 7 and UN Regulation No. 17 (10 series of amendments) for use in rear impact assessment. He recommended that consideration on this proposal would be made together with GRSP-54-05 (Draft addendum 1 to M.R.1), introduced at the fifty-fourth session of GRSP (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/54, para. 4). He recommended GRSP to provide comments on GRSP-68-23 and GRSP-54-05 before 31 January 2021 for consideration in the final document to be submitted to the May 2021 session of GRSP. It was noted that copyrights were expected to be removed from drawings when the proposal would be finally adopted by WP.29 and AC.3. GRSP agreed with the recommendation of the expert from the United Kingdom and agreed to resume discussion at its May 2021 session.
GRSP-54-05 | MR1: Specifications for the 50th percentile male BioRID-II ATD
Specifications for the Construction, Preparation and Certification of the 50th percentile male Biofidelic Rear Impact Dummy, (BioRID-II) anthropometric test device for inclusion in the Mutual Resolution No. 1 on test devices used in UN Regulations and GTR.
GRSP-68-23 | MR1: BioRID-II status
31. The expert from Germany introduced GRSP-68-12, advocating the development of an addendum to the M.R.1 to include Q dummies, used in UN Regulation No. 129. He also suggested the establishment of a task force to develop the work M.R.1. GRSP agreed with the suggestion of the expert from Germany. GRSP noted that the task force would start early 2021 led by the expert from Germany and by the expert from CLEPA. Moreover, the expert from CLEPA clarified that the approach to develop the work would follow the proposal of Addendum to the M.R.1, developed by the expert from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
GRSP-68-12 | Q Dummies under UN Mutual Resolution No. 1
Request for a GRSP to establish a task force to develop Q dummy specifications under the resolution on test devices.
32. The experts from Sweden gave two presentations (GRSP-68-08-Rev.1; GRSP-68-07), showing the results of a study whether female occupants have the same protection level as male occupants. Swedish experts also explained the issue of the lack of average female crash test dummies. She concluded that the study had shown that: (a) crash related injury risks are higher in females (especially whiplash), (b) females are poorly represented by existing crash test dummies, (c) information about body size (stature and mass) should be included in traffic injury databases and (d) injury data need to be reported for females and males separately. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this issue at its May 2021 session.
GRSP-68-07 | What can we do in GRSP to get the same protection level for female occupants as for male?
GRSP-68-08/Rev.1 | Do female occupants have the same protection level as male occupants?
17. | Securing children in buses and coaches |
33. The expert from Spain, on behalf of IWG on safer transport of children in buses and coaches informed GRSP about the progress of the group (GRSP-68-03). She explained that the group was examining different configurations of testing (e.g.: seating position, Q dummies with or without CRS, types of CRS) considering bus requirements (UN Regulations No. 80 and 107). She explained that the group was aiming at having a proposal by the December 2022 session of GRSP. The expert from the Russian Federation would like to propose to use the impulse mentioned in UN Regulations Nos. 44 and 129 for the frontal impact for vehicles of category M2 since these vehicles have lower mass compared to M3. For the M3 category of vehicles, the Russian Federation proposed to use the impulse used in UN regulation No. 80. The EC representative explained that a study was currently underway in the European Union focusing on appropriate crash test pulses through all vehicle categories and direction of impacts. He announced that he likely would present the outcome of the study at the May 2021 session of GRSP. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2021 session.
GRSP-68-03 | Status report of the Safer Transport for Children in Buses informal group
18. | Exchange of views on vehicle automation |
34. The representative of the United States of America reminded GRSP about the special session of the Working Party on Automated/autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) on 14-15 December. He explained that slight modifications were introduced on framework document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/34/Rev.2, endorsed by the World Forum, on priority topics for automated and connected vehicles. He reiterated that crashworthiness remained relevant and that the framework document would be implemented by related topics stemming from the activities of GRSP. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject based on a possible proposal to be developed by the expert from Germany with the experts from OICA and other concerned parties. |
19. | Strategy of the Inland Transport Committee |
35. GRSP noted WP.29-182-16, distributed at the November 2020 session of WP.29, mapping the implementation of Inland Transport Committee strategy by WP.29 and its subsidiary body.
WP.29-182-16 | Mapping implementation of ITC strategy by WP.29 and GRs
20. | List of priority work of GRSP |
36. GRSP agreed not updating GRSP-67-06-Rev.1 for the time being and resume its consideration at the May 2021 session. The Chair summarized briefly the main priority groups: Crashworthiness, Occupant protection and Electric vehicle safety, but he also highlighted the importance of GRSP’s work in the area of Pedestrian safety.
GRSP-67-06/Rev.1 | List of GRSP priorities
21. | Election of officers |
37. In compliance with Rule 37 of the Rules of Procedure (TRANS/WP.29/690/Rev.1), GRSP called for the election of officers. The representatives of the Contracting Parties, present and voting, unanimously elected Mr. M. Koubek (United States of America) as Chair and Mr. H.G. Kim (Republic of Korea) as Vice-Chair for the sessions of GRSP scheduled in the year 2021 (GRSP-68-30). 38. GRSP noted the proposal for candidacy of a second Vice-Chair from Spain (Mr. Victor Calzadilla), which was received on the morning of the first day of the meeting. The Chair expressed his concerns not to the person but to the procedural aspects of the proposal, and what precedent it may set for the future. The experts from Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America agreed to consult before AC.2 about the expansion of the number of vice-chairs in GRSP. The Chair was requested to seek guidance to AC.2 on this subject at its March 2021 session. |
22. | Other business | |
22. (a) | Exchange of information on national and international requirements on passive safety |
39. The expert from Japan introduced a presentation (GRSP-68-19) on various issue considered by his country to promote transportation policy in addition to traffic safety. He underlined that the need and preferences from users on small-sized mobility. GRSP agreed on the same conclusion reached under agenda item 15 (see para. 29 above).
GRSP-68-19 | Initiative and approaches to small-sized mobility
22. (b) | UN Regulation No. 0 (International Whole Vehicle Type Approval) |
40. The expert from Japan, GRSP ambassador of IWVTA, informed GRSP about the Amendment 3 to UN Regulation No. 0 at the November 2020 session of WP.29 (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/101). He also informed GRSP about minor amendments to the general guidelines for transitional provisions (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1044/Rev.2). |
22. (c) | Highlights of the November 2020 session of WP.29 |
41. The Secretary reported on the highlights (GRSP-68-21) of the 182nd session of WP.29 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1155).
GRSP-68-21 | Highlights of the November 2020 WP.29 session of interest to GRSP
22. (d) | Three-dimensional H-point machine |
42. The expert from Spain informed about the progress of the IWG on 3D H-point machine. He announced his intention to submit a proposal of amendment to the Consolidated Resolution 3 (R.E.3) to the May 2021 session of GRSP. However, GRSP noted that the IWG had the objective to harmonise specifications and include them in Mutual Resolution No. 1, whereby both UN Regulations and UN GTRs would refer to. The expert from OICA, and CLEPA expressed their wish to participate to the activities of the IWG and being kept informed about the next meetings. |
22. (e) | Intelligent transport systems |
43. GRSP was informed by the proposal of Road Map on Intelligent Transport Systems that would be presented to the ITC February 2021 session (GRSP-68-32). The secretary of GRVA requested comments of GRSP experts to be sent to his attention by Monday 14 December 2020.
GRSP-68-32 | Draft revisions of the ECE Road Map on Intelligent Transport Systems
22. (f) | Children left in cars |
44. The expert from EC asked to expert from Italy to provide an update on the measures adopted in his country to cope with this issue. The expert from Italy informed GRSP that no data was available yet. He also clarified that technical solution were currently subjected to fiscal incentives and not covered by legislation. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject on the basis of information provided by the expert from Italy. |
22. (g) | UN Regulation No. 100 (Electric power trained vehicles) |
45. The expert from OICA informed GRSP about his statement at the November 2021 session of WP.29, about the scope of UN Regulation No. 100, 03 series of amendments, to be fully aligned to UN GTR No. 20 (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1155, para. 103). The expert from OICA informed GRSP about his study on this issue and he announced a possible proposal to the next session of the IWG-EVS or to the May 2021 session of GRSP. |
22. (h) | UN Global Technical Regulation No. 7 (Head Restraints) |
46. GRSP referred the discussion on this subject to agenda item 16 (see para. 30 above). |
22. (i) | UN Regulation No. 145 (ISOFIX anchorage systems, ISOFIX top tether anchorages and i-Size CRS) |
47. The expert from the Netherlands introduced GRSP-68-16 to clarify the issue of ISOFIX anchorages on seats that are permanently rearward facing. The expert from OICA asked more discussion to develop the proposal. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject, at its May 2021 session, on the basis of the outcome of a group of interested parties involving the experts from Germany, Sweden, CLEPA and OICA.
GRSP-68-16 | UN R145: Proposal for a Supplement 1
Proposal to clarify the requirements for the location of ISOFIX systems in case the vehicle type is equipped with rearward facing seats.
22. (j) | UN Regulation No. 136 (Electric vehicles of category L (EV-L)) |
48. The expert from IMMA introduced a presentation (GRSP-68-22) about the need of dedicated requirements for swappable Rechargeable Electric Energy Storage Systems (REESS). He clarified that swappable REESS might be mounted in different vehicle models, having different mounting positions. He added that to ensure safe operation of a swappable REESS in different orientations and avoid multiple testing for each vehicle design he would propose to introduce dedicated stricter testing conditions into the UN Regulation. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject on the basis of a possible proposal from IMMA.
GRSP-68-22 | Updates to UN Regulation No. 136
22. (k) | Provisional agenda for the next session |
49. GRSP noted the proposal of agenda for its sixty-ninth session (GRSP-68-28) scheduled to be held in Geneva from 17 May (2.30 p.m.) to 21 May (12.30 p.m.) 2021. GRSP noted that the deadline for the submission of official documents to the secretariat is 19 February 2021, twelve weeks prior to the session. |
22. (l) | Decision submitted to silence procedure |
50. GRSP agreed on the main decision list GRSP-68-29-Rev.2, as reproduced in Annex V to this report, taken during the session for approval by silence procedure of 72 hours by the participating delegations to the session as part of the special procedures established for the COVID-19 pandemic period (ECE/EX/2020/L.12).
GRSP-68-29/Rev.2 | Decisions taken during the 68th (December 2020) GRSP session under the silence procedure