Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 68 | 7-11 Dec 2020
Web conference
Agenda Item 16.
Mutual Resolution No. 1

GRSP will resume discussion of proposals to include dummy specifications and drawings (e.g. Q dummies) into M.R.1.

GRSP may wish to discuss test dummy specifications and female occupant protection.

GRSP-54-05 MR1: Specifications for the 50th percentile male BioRID-II ATD
GRSP-68-07 What can we do in GRSP to get the same protection level for female occupants as for male? (Sweden)
GRSP-68-08/Rev.1 Do female occupants have the same protection level as male occupants? (Sweden)
GRSP-68-12 Q Dummies under UN Mutual Resolution No. 1 (Germany)
GRSP-68-23 MR1: BioRID-II status (UK)