Working Party on Lighting and Light-signalling | Session 81 | 15-18 Apr 2019

The deadline for the submission of official working documents to this session is 18 January 2019.

Agenda Item 4.
Simplification of lighting and light-signalling UN Regulations

7. GRE took note that the SLR package of amendment proposals, including the three new simplified UN Regulations on Light-Signalling Devices (LSD), Road Illumination Devices (RID) and Retro-Reflective Devices (RRD), had been adopted in March 2019, instead of November 2018. In view of the expected entry into force of the SLR package in October 2019, the second group of draft amendments that had originally been intended for submission to the June 2019 session of WP.29 had been postponed to November 2019.

8. The expert from the Informal Working Group “Simplification of the Lighting and Light-Signalling Regulations” (IWG SLR) reported on their progress and requested guidance from GRE (GRE-81-19). The expert from Poland commented on the IWG SLR request (GRE-81-22). GRE agreed that:

  • The headlamp provisions should continue to be expressed in terms of the luminous intensities equivalent to the illuminance measured on a screen at a distance of 25 m.
  • All technologies should be allowed for all SLR functions. Requirements should be common for all technologies; test requirements could be technology-specific.
  • Combination of different light source technologies should be possible for all SLR functions.

9. The expert from IWG SLR requested advice on various options of how to use the Unique Identifier (UI) for the new simplified UN Regulations (GRE-81-20). GRE mandated the secretariat to send GRE-81-20 to IWG on Database for the Exchange of Type Approval documentation (DETA) for comments, and requested IWG SLR to consider delegating one of its experts to participate in IWG DETA sessions. Finally, GRE decided to revert to this issue at the next session.

10. The expert from IWG SLR presented a proposal for a new 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2019/3). The expert from Poland commented on the proposal (GRE-81-13 and GRE-81-16). GRE focused its discussion on the aiming diagram in paragraph Following an in-depth consideration, GRE agreed on a modified diagram (GRE-81-21 and Annex II) and requested IWG SLR to prepare, on the basis of the new diagram, a revised proposal for consideration at the next session. The experts from Germany and Poland made study reservations. The expert from Germany also pointed out that, at the next session, he would present the outcome of a research project on the issue.

11. The experts from France and Germany proposed introducing conditions for the use of logos inside the illuminating surface of a signalling lamp in the UN LSD Regulation and UN Regulation No. 48 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2019/6). Various experts commented and posed questions on the proposal. GRE noted that a clear definition of “logo” would be needed and that technological neutrality should be ensured. The expert from EC was of the view that the underlying issue did not have bearing on road safety and, thus, should not be discussed by GRE. The proponents agreed to revise the proposal in accordance with the comments received. The expert of OICA offered its assistance.

12. The expert from Germany presented a draft Supplement to the UN LSD Regulation which introduced requirements for testing the sun load impact (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2019/7). The proposal received comments from the experts of France, Japan (GRE-81-17), Netherlands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, CLEPA, OICA and SAE. The expert from IMMA made a study reservation. The Chair invited the expert from Germany to update the proposal, based on the comments received, for consideration at the next session.

GRE-81-13 UN R48: Proposal to amend the draft [07] series (document GRE/2019/3) (Poland)
GRE-81-16 UN R48: Box justification for document GRE-81-13 (Poland)
GRE-81-17 LSD (UN R148): Japan comments on document GRE/2019/7 (Japan)
GRE-81-19 SLR informal group status report
GRE-81-20 Unique Identifier for the new simplified UN lighting Regulations
GRE-81-21 Updated diagram in document GRE/2019/3
GRE-81-22 Poland response to the SLR informal group request for guidance (Poland)
GRE/2019/3 UN R48: Proposal for a new [07] series of amendments
GRE/2019/4 UN R48: Proposal for a Supplement to the new 07 series of amendments (France)
GRE/2019/5 UN R48: Proposal for a Supplement to the 06 series of amendments (Czech Republic and Italy)
GRE/2019/6 LSD and UN R48.06: Proposal for supplements (France and Germany)
GRE/2019/7 LSD: Proposal for a Supplement (Germany)