The deadline for the submission of official working documents to this session is 18 January 2019.
GRE will be briefed about WP.29 discussions at its sessions in November 2018 and March 2019: the SLR package of amendment proposals and the three new simplified UN Regulations on Light-Signalling Devices (LSD), Road Illumination Devices (RID) and Retro-Reflective Devices (RRD). GRE will also be informed about the progress of the Informal Working Group “Simplification of the Lighting and Light-Signalling Regulations” (IWG SLR).
GRE is invited to provide feedback on a proposal from IWG SLR for a new 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48. (GRE/2019/3)
GRE will consider proposals for amendments to the UN LSD Regulation and to UN Regulation No. 48 submitted by the experts from France and Germany, which introduce conditions for the use of logos inside the illuminating surface of a signalling lamp. (GRE/2019/6)
GRE will consider a proposal for a Supplement to the UN LSD Regulation transmitted by the expert from Germany which introduces requirements for testing the sun load impact. (GRE/2019/7)