Automatically Commanded Steering Functions | Session 4 | 25-27 Nov 2015
Agenda Item 5.1.
Document ACSF-04-03

Main content of the document from (F):
Remove CAT D and CAT E from Regulation 79 and install it in a new Regulation. Longitudinal control should not be part of the Regulation 79.

(Chair): In the last WP.29-session, the Chairman of the GRRF (Bernie Frost) reported to the delegates the current work of the IWG ACSF and also, why the group has started with CAT E. It is clear, that the Regulation 79 is not the best “location” for ACSF in total, but to finalize this work in the given timeline, only this approach seem to be the most appropriate. WP.29 did not disagree with this.

(OICA): Proposes to go on with the current working strategy.
(D): All have agreed to go this way, also parking systems are needing braking functions.
(CLEPA): The current way was already confirmed by GRRF.
(see: GRRF-79-31 - (Chair) Guidance to GRs concerning Automated Driving Technology)

With regard to the current activities to the ACSF amendments in Regulation 79, the ongoing work of the ad hoc group on LKAS was discussed.

(SE): Do we need to have the LKAS amendments in Regulation 79, or can we wait for CAT B of the new ACSF amendments?
(NL): It is better to use ACSF CAT B.
(OICA): Current systems are corrective steering functions, CAT B is an automated steering function, where maybe hands-off could be possible.
(Chair): Maybe we will have in the future CAT B1 (hands-on) and CAT B2 (hands-off)

(Chair): Proposal for ongoing activities of the LKAS work:
Freeze the activities on LKAS and wait for the result of the outcome of ACSF.
(EC): Agreed to proposal of the chair.

ACSF-04-03 French proposal for UN R79 based upon document ACSF-03-16 (France)
GRRF-79-31 Guidance to GRs concerning Automated Driving Technology
GRRF-79-31/Add.1 CLEPA position on draft guidance document concerning automated driving technologies (CLEPA)