Working Party on General Safety | Session 110 | 25-29 Apr 2016
Agenda Item 13.
Regulation No. 116 (Vehicle Alarm Systems)

40. Recalling the purpose of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/7, the expert from OICA informed GRSG that there was no new information on this subject. He suggested resuming consideration of this subject at the next session of GRSG and volunteered to prepare a revised document. GRSG endorsed that suggestion and agreed to keep document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/7 on the agenda as a reference document.

41. GRSG reconsidered GRSG-107-08 on the possible use of innovative system which enable opening of a vehicle via smartphone and on the question if a silent alarm to a security service via the internet might be subject to type approved system. The expert from OICA clarified that experts should differentiate between immobilizers and door locking systems. Following the discussion, GRSG endorsed the position of Germany that, according to the current definition of “key” in the provisions of UN Regulation No. 116, such systems could not yet be type approved. It was agreed that, in the case of evidence of the need to allow the use of such innovative systems for the purpose of activation or deactivation of immobilizers and door locking systems on vehicles, UN Regulation No. 116 would have to be amended first.

GRSG-106-38 UN Regulation No. 116 and innovative vehicle alarm systems/ anti-theft systems (EC)
GRSG-107-08 UN Regulation No. 116 and innovative vehicle alarm systems/anti‐theft systems (Germany)
GRSG-110-24 Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 116
GRSG/2015/7 Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 116 (OICA)